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发布时间:2023-12-06 21:53:02

[单项选择]I'm afraid I've taken ______ too much of your time.
A. up
B. after
C. in
D. back

更多"I'm afraid I've taken ______ too mu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I will try not to take up too much of your time.( )
A. devise
B. miss
C. occupy
D. catch
[单项选择]I'm sorry to ______ too much of your time.
A. take off
B. have taken in
C. take on
D. have taken up
[单项选择]Avoid shortcuts. They always take too much time in the long ______.
A. run
B. way
C. period
D. consequence
[单项选择]Employees spend too much time on road, so many companies_______ office hours so that they are not all using buses, trains, etc. at the same time.
A. stabilize
B. stagger
C. stammer
D. strand
[单项选择]I cannot thank you too much for your kindness, I owe my success to you.
A. 我无论怎样感谢你也不过分,我的成功应归功于你。
B. 对你的好意我不能过分感谢,但是我认为我的成功就是对你的感谢。
C. 对你的好意我无论怎样感谢也不过分,我应该把我的成功归功于你。
D. 我不能过分感谢你的好意,但我的成功应归功于你。
[单项选择]______ good use you've made of your time to study, there's still room for improvement.
A. Whatever
B. However
C. Though
D. That
[单项选择]—Im afraid Ive brought you too much trouble. —
A. You too.
B. Forget it.
C. Why not
D. What for
[单项选择]I' m sorry to have taken up too much of your ______ time.
A. worthy
B. valuable
C. valueless
D. struck
[单项选择]My present job is ______ too much of my study time.
A. taking up
B. getting away
C. giving up
D. holding on
[单项选择]Henry, don't spend too much time______ TV. You'd better do your homework.
[单项选择]They really have a great time too, designing everything, drawing the blue prints, ______ the angles and so on.
A. looking out
B. taking out
C. finding out
D. figuring out
[单项选择]It is not so much your ability ______ your courage that matters in this kind of contest.
A. as
B. but
C. like
D. nor
[单项选择]He has got too much ______ to worry about your problem.
A. on his mind
B. out of mind
C. off his mind
D. to his mind


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