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发布时间:2023-11-01 20:21:45

[单项选择]Has he changed his mind again I wish he'd at least be ______.
A. constant
B. insistent
C. persistent
D. consistent

更多"Has he changed his mind again I wi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Once he has made up his mind to do something, it is impossible to stop him ______ it.
[单项选择]After he has written his paper, he found some additional material()he should have included.
A. that
B. of which
C. in which
D. whom
[单项选择]He has already made up his mind. It's no use ______ him.
A. try to persuade
B. trying to persuade
C. to try to persuade
D. to try persuading
[单项选择]Frank has told his friends that he always escapes ______ as he has got a very fast car.
A. being fined
B. to be fined
C. having been fined
D. to fine
[单项选择]He is a brilliant professor but has his ______ as an administrator.
A. boundaries
B. restraints
C. confinements
D. limitations
[单项选择]He has {{U}}made up his mind{{/U}} to give up smoking.
A. tried
B. attempted
C. agreed
D. decided
[单项选择]Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to______ some schools for poor children.
A. set up
B. setting up
C. have set up
D. having set up
[单项选择]The mayor has told his friends that he is sick but will not admit it ______ public.
A. on
B. to
C. in
D. by
[单项选择]He has impressed his employers considerably and ______ he is soon to be promoted.
A. eventually
B. yet
C. finally
D. accordingly
[单项选择]Throughout his political career he has always been in the ____.
A. twilight
B. spotlight
C. streetlight
D. torchlight
[单项选择]His only wish, before he passed away, ______.poverty of the underdeveloped areas has been put into reality step by step now.
A. eliminating
B. eliminated
C. was to eliminate
D. to eliminate
[单项选择]He has searched his bag ______ 2 hours for his picture.
[单项选择]______ he does his work, I don’t mind what time he arrives at the office.
A. So far as
B. So long as
C. In case
D. Meanwhile


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