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发布时间:2024-01-28 03:56:47

[单项选择]Binet used a large number of children in his tests because he wanted to find out______
A. who was the bright
B. who was the dull
C. a norm
D. what a bright child is

更多"Binet used a large number of childr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Binet used large numbers of children in his tests because he wanted to find out ______.
A. who were the brightest
B. who had defects
C. what a bright child could do
D. a standard
[单项选择]Behind his large smiles and large cigars, his eyes often seemed to ______ regret.
A. teem with
B. brim with
C. come with
D. look with
[单项选择]Which of the following are examples of tests used to examine the statistical independence of past returns()
A. Runs tests.
B. Excess Return tests.
C. Event study tests.
[单项选择]He ______ a large fortune from his business.
A. made
B. won
C. expected
D. gained
[单项选择]For Sauces not only used his ______ in the hold up, but also made his get-away in his own easily recognized family car.
A. ammunition
B. pistol
C. armor
D. treason
[单项选择]She got used to his manner of speaking soon.
A. had been used To
B. would be used to
C. became accustomed to
D. used to
[单项选择]Some people think IQ tests shouldn't be used to measure intelligence because ______.
[单项选择]Mr Hilon is used to giving presentations to large audiences. Mr Hilon A. doesn't give presentations to large groups any more. B. often gives presentations to large groups. C. often gave presentations to large groups in the past.
[单项选择]The old gardener used to keep all his tools and do-it-yourself equipment in a ________ in the garde
A. barn
B. room
C. hut
D. shed
[单项选择]He has spent a large( )of money on his new house.
A. piece
B. amount
C. lot
D. number
[单项选择]His workmates used to ______.
A. laugh at him
B. cheat him
C. beat him
D. play with him
[单项选择]The author used the word "Paradoxically" in his sentence about psychological training to imply that ______.
A. we can expect such training to have the effect stated
B. we should expect such training to result in better scores
C. such information is offered as an afterthought
D. such information is an sidelight of the findings
[单项选择]Arthur Momand used the name" Jones" in his series of short stories because "Jones" is ______.


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