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发布时间:2023-10-12 12:47:18

[单项选择]Have you (noticed) her coat (is wet) She (must be) caught (in) the rain.
A. noticed
B. is wet
C. must be
D. in

更多"Have you (noticed) her coat (is wet"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The new coat()her 100 dollars.
A. took
B. cost
C. spent
D. paid
[单项选择]We must make ______ for her. She's never been taught what's right.
A. wages
B. awards
C. rewards
D. allowances
[单项选择]Her hair and coat were wet because it______.
A. would be raining
B. had been raining
C. would have been raining
D. had rained
[单项选择]She appreciated the ______ I gave her after she failed the test.
A. stimulation
B. enthusiasm
C. encouragement
D. motive
[单项选择]We will help her if she can _____ her promise to work harder.
A. break
B. fulfill
C. make
D. withdraw
[单项选择]I asked her if she ______ go with her husband and she nodded.
A. is ready for
B. was ready for
C. is ready to
D. was ready to
[单项选择]Although Ann is happy with her success she wonders ______ will happen to her private life.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. this
[单项选择]Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders______ will happen to her private life.
A. that
B. what
C. it
D. this
[单项选择]Don't be hard on her—she is very ( ) and she may start to cry.
A. sensible
B. sensitive
C. sympathetic
D. sophisticated
[单项选择]— Why ______ with her — She won't change her idea.
[单项选择]At her word she stood up and walked away, stopping at the window to pull back the curtain and ______.
A. look round
B. look out
C. look up
D. look on
[单项选择]Don't be hard on her—she is very ______ and she may start to cry.
A. sensible
B. sensitive
C. sympathetic
D. sophisticated
[单项选择]The sound of the doorbell startled her and she ______ knocked the ashtray on to the floor.
A. detrimentally
B. spontaneously
C. inadvertently
D. strenuously
[单项选择]()no body was willing to vote for her, she decided to drop out of the election.
A. When
B. That
C. Seeing that
D. So that


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