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发布时间:2023-12-05 18:47:22

[单项选择]You never realize how fortunate you are to have good health until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.
A. 除非你突然亲眼目睹体弱多病之苦,不然,你不会队识到你有一个健康的身体是何等幸运。
B. 你永远不会意识到拥有健康是多么幸运,除非健康光临你家。
C. 除非健康和苦难同时降临你家,否则,你不会幸运的。
D. 你从来不知道拥有健康是多么幸运。直到有一天,疾病突然降临,你才如梦方醒。

更多"You never realize how fortunate you"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How did you go to Madrid
[单项选择]If you have chance to go to China, you must take some pictures of the Great Wall for it ______ the country' s civilization.
A. symbolizes
B. sponsors
C. utters
D. pioneers
[单项选择]How many Monkey King Stamps have you collected
A. No one
B. None
C. Nothing
D. Nobody
[单项选择]Have you ever stopped to think seriously how many of the things used in your everyday life are made by the hard work of thousands of people
A. 你日常生活中所用的东西有多少是经过了成千上万人的辛勤劳动才做出的,你有没有停止对这个问题的认真思考
B. 你是否曾经停下来严肃地想一想,你在日常生活中所使用的东西有多少是经过成千上万人的辛勤劳动才做出的
C. 你有没有停下来认真地想过,你口常使用的东西有多少是经过了成千上万人的辛勤劳动才做出的
D. 你有没有停下来认真思考,日常用品中有哪些是经过了成千上万人的艰辛劳动才做出的
[单项选择]Tina: How long have you been playing tennis Bernard: For about four years. Tina: You've got a great serve! Bernard: ______________________
[单项选择]——How many elephants have you seen ——.
A. None
B. Nothing
C. No one
D. No
[单项选择]We congratulate you ______ the success you have got.
A. by
B. for
C. on
D. with
[单项选择]Tom: How long have you worked in this department John:______.
A. The atmosphere in this department is free.
B. Seven weeks ago.
C. Just about six months.
D. You can say it again.
[单项选择]If you want to have your hair cut, you can go to the ______.
A. Hibiya and Sanshin Buildings
B. Kyobashi Station
C. Plaza of Water
D. Second basement of the Toshiba
[单项选择]How long have you.______
[单项选择]How long will it take you if you go to Angel Falls by plane from Caracas
A. Several weeks.
B. Several months.
C. A few days.
D. Several hours.
[单项选择]You may go earlier if you really have to, but I'd rather you ______ for me.
A. wait
B. waited
C. to wait
D. waiting
[单项选择]No matter how little money you have, you should deposit some in the bank regularly.
A. 不管你有多少钱,你都应该规规矩矩地定期将钱存入银行。
B. 尽管你的钱很少,你也应该按照规则在银行中存些钱。
C. 不管你有多少钱,你都应定期在银行中存入一些钱。
D. 尽管你的钱很少,你仍需要将它们存入银行。
[单项选择]How can you verify that you have correctly configured SSH access to your Junos device?()
A. user@router# show system services
B. user@router> show configuration services
C. user@router# show configuration system services
D. user@router# show system login
[单项选择]If you have never planted anything, you won't be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted
A. grow
B. to grow
C. growing
D. to be growing
[单项选择]He never showed others how fast he could run.


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