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发布时间:2023-12-26 05:41:25

[单项选择]After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that the man was ______of murder.
A. criminal
B. charged
C. guilty
D. faulty

更多"After a three-hour heated discussio"的相关试题:

[单项选择](After) a (three-hour) heated discussion, all the members in the jury (reached to) the conclusion that the man (was guilty of) murder.
A. After
B. three-hour
C. reached to
D. was guilty of
[单项选择]There was a heated discussion about customer service at the meeting until the manager came up with a great idea.
A. 经理提出的关于客户服务的好主意,在会议上引起了大家的热烈讨论。
B. 经理到会之前,会议还在对那个客户提出的合理建议进行热烈的争论。
C. 会议就客服问题进行了热烈讨论,直到经理提出一个绝妙主意才停止。
D. 会议一直在热烈讨论客服问题,直到结束时经理才想出了一个好主意。
[单项选择]They had a heated discussion on the topic but came to no _____.
A. end
B. idea
C. result
D. conclusion
[单项选择]My father is completely ________ after moving all furniture to the new home at the third floor.
A. injured
B. abandoned
C. exhausted
D. deserted
[单项选择]After much discussion among the board, the decision has been made ______ company payouts to employees' retirement accounts.
A. terminate
B. terminating
C. terminally
D. to terminate
[单项选择]After the discussion it becomes clear that his theory is based on a false ___________.
A. consideration
B. composition
C. supposition
D. acquisition
[单项选择]After an hour's discussion, the curriculum designers and computer programmers reached a consensus: that the new package of language learning materials should be both amusing and ______ for the users.
A. enlightening
B. enforcing
C. engulfing
D. enjoining
[单项选择]Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ______ I will always treasure.
A. that
B. one
C. it
D. what
[单项选择]Despite all the heated ______ they had, they remained the best of friends throughout their lives.
A. viewpoints
B. standpoints
C. differences
D. arguments
[单项选择]I shall have a roommate in the house after all these ______ years.
A. single
B. alone
C. sole
D. lonely
[单项选择]I shall have a companion in the house after all these ______ years.
A. alone
B. single
C. lonely
D. simple
[单项选择]We are all for your proposal that the discussion
A. be put off.
B. was put off
C. should put off
D. is to put off
[单项选择]I admire the way she's still so cheerful after all she has ______.
A. gone by
B. gone off
C. gone through
D. gone for
[单项选择]After all efforts in vain, he had to accept the result ______.
A. regularly
B. shallowly
C. physically
D. painfully
[单项选择]After a long discussion, they ______ an agreement.
A. came into
B. came out
C. came to
D. came across


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