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发布时间:2023-10-23 08:34:12

[单项选择]He said that he would write to us but so far we ______ from him.

更多"He said that he would write to us b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He said that he would write to us but so far we()from him.

A. didn't hear
B. haven't heard
C. should not hear
D. hadn't heard.
[单项选择]He said he would accept the job, so we have asked him to ________ his acceptance in writing.
A. affirm
B. inform
C. conform
D. confirm
[单项选择]Unluckily, when I arrived he, so we only had time for a few words.
A. just left
B. has just left
C. had just left
D. was just leaving
[单项选择]He said that he had()to do with the crime, so he should not be imprisoned.
A. nothing
B. anything
C. something
D. everything
[单项选择]He will tell us why he feels so strong that each of us has a role______in malting the earth a better place to live on.
A. to have played
B. to play
C. to be played
D. to be playing
[单项选择]A) So far C) So few
B) By far D) So much

A. So far
B. By far
C. So few
D. So much
[单项选择]Our research has not shown us anything so far, so there is little ______ to continue with it.
A. impatience
B. incentive
C. impulse
D. initiative
[单项选择]He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any () about what was meant.
A. doubt
B. wonder
C. question
D. consideration
[单项选择]We ______the help he gave us when we moved to our new house.
A. thanked
B. appreciated
C. obliged
D. owed
[单项选择]It may he said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies.
A. 人们可能会说,我们用肌肉来思考,在某种程度上和我们用身体来听音乐是一样的。
B. 可以说我们用肌肉思考,在一定程度上,正如我们用整个身体来倾听音乐一样。
C. 有人可能会说我们用身体来听音乐的方式有点像我们的用肌肉思考的方式。
D. 我们思考,用我们的肌肉;同样地,我们也听音乐,用我们的身体。
[单项选择] -Tom is so worried about the test that he said he was going to study all night.   -Tell him he should quit __________ and get some help.   A. B.
A. to have worried
B. to worry
C. worrying
D. from worrying
[单项选择]Tom said he () with us if he () free the next day.
A. will go, is
B. went, were
C. would go, was
D. will go, was
[单项选择]In spite of what we said, he refused to ______ to the police station.
A. give away
B. give off
C. give himself away
D. give himself up


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