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发布时间:2023-10-27 01:58:43

[单项选择]—What do you think made Mary so upset —her new bicycle.
A. As she lost
B. Lost
C. Losing
D. Because of losing

更多"—What do you think made Mary so ups"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—What do you think made Mary so upset
—her new bicycle.

A. As she lost
B. Lost
C. Losing
D. Because of losing
[单项选择]---What do you think made Mary so upset--- ______ her new bicycle
A. As she lost
B. Lost
C. Losing
D. Because of losing
[单项选择]—What do you think made Betty so upset —______her new bicycle.
A. As she lost
B. Because of losing
C. Losing
D. Lost
[单项选择]What did Mary say about her cat She said that ______.
[单项选择]What made the Ouchidas' new house a horrible dream
A. Lack of fresh air.
B. Poor quality of building materials.
C. Gas leakage in the kitchen.
D. The newly painted walls
[单项选择]--What do you suppose made her worried -- ______ her gold watch.
A. Lose
B. To lose
C. Lost
D. Losing
[单项选择]If you ______ our teacher, what would you tell her
A. are to see
B. must see
C. will be going to see
D. were to see
[单项选择]Betty said that()all her friends,Mary was her favorite.
A. between
B. of
C. in
[单项选择]Mary said her mother (would buy her) a (five-speeds) racing bicycle (for) his (sixteenth birthday).
A. would buy her
B. five-speeds
C. for
D. sixteenth birthday
[单项选择]--What made her so upset -- ______ the necklace ______ yesterday.
A. Lost, bought
B. Lost, buying
C. Losing, having bought
D. Losing, bought
[单项选择]What was Mary's job

A. She taught cat.
B. She was a teacher.
C. She bought and sold cats.
[单项选择]What does Mary Snaide Akatsa prophesy

A. She prophesies the world will be flooded.
B. She prophesies the world will be in fire.
C. She prophesies about the end of the world.
D. She prophesies the followers should die in fait
[单项选择]What did Mary order for vegetable

A. Asparagus.
B. Veal cutlet.
C. Broccoli.
D. Cabbage.


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