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发布时间:2023-12-21 21:42:08

[单项选择]______by doctors and nurses, his uncle soon got better.
A. Having looked after
B. Looking after
C. Look for
D. Looked after

更多"______by doctors and nurses, his un"的相关试题:

[单项选择]( ) by doctors and nurses, his uncle soon got better.
A. Having looked after
B. Looking after
C. Look for
D. Looked after
[单项选择]Soon he got ______ his difficulties and succeeded.

A. across
B. away
C. over
D. through
[单项选择]( ) salary up by 25%, the doctors and nurses in this hospital are very happy.
A. As
B. For
C. With
D. Through
[单项选择]Nobody but doctors or nurses and those ______ by Dr. Hu ______ to enter the patient's room.
A. invited; is allowed
B. are invited; are allowed
C. being invited; allowed
D. invited; are allowed
[单项选择]Mr. Xu caught SARS and soon his family members were ______.
A. infected
B. perfected
C. effected
D. affected
[单项选择]______salary up by 25%, the doctors and nurses in this hospital were both very happy.
A. As
B. For
C. With
D. Through
[单项选择]He (tried) to learn Greek but (soon) got (tired of) it and (gave up it).
A. tried
B. soon
C. tired of
D. gave up it
[单项选择]Doctors, nurses and all the rest of the _________of the hospital joined in the rescue of the wounded passengers.
A. personage
B. person
C. personal
D. personnel
[单项选择]She got used to his manner of speaking soon.
A. had been used To
B. would be used to
C. became accustomed to
D. used to
[单项选择]The doctors and the nurses did all they could ______ the patient's life.
A. save
B. to save
C. to be saving
D. to have saved
[单项选择]The police came and they soon got the situation well ______.
A. by hand
B. in hand
C. on hand
D. with hand
[单项选择]Seldom()to see his uncle.
A. he goes
B. goes he
C. does he go
D. he does go
[单项选择]I promised to look () the matter as soon as I got there.
A. for
B. in
C. into
D. after
[单项选择]I set off as soon as I got the news about my grandpa's illness. Unfortunately, he _________at the hospital before I ____.
A. has died; went there
B. had died; arrived
C. died; had been there
D. was dying; had gone
[单项选择]Hamlet _______ his father's death on his uncle.

A. reversed
B. reverted
C. revenged
D. revealed


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