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发布时间:2024-01-30 05:44:58

[单项选择]I couldn't () my brother that I was telling the truth.
A. convince
B. persuade
C. ensure
D. admit

更多"I couldn't () my brother that I was"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I couldn''t _______my brother that I was telling the truth.
A. convince
B. persuade
C. ensure
D. admit
[单项选择]Mother kept telling my little brother to study hard, but ______ didn't work.
[单项选择]My younger brother couldn't help ______ when his toy car fell into the river.
A. crying
B. to cry
C. cry
D. cried
[单项选择]I asked the tailor to make a small ______ to my trousers because they were too long.
A. change
B. variation
C. revision
D. alteration
[单项选择]There ______ a pair of trousers on the table.My trousers ______ worn out.
A. is, are
B. are, are
C. is, is
D. have, have
[单项选择]Would you mind telling me the possibilities of my success ______
[单项选择]— Would you mind my telling him the news
[单项选择]My elder brother is similar in temper ______ my father all the time.
A. to
B. like
C. with
D. as
[单项选择]My brother' s plans are very ambitious.
A. arbitrary
B. aggressive
C. adequate
D. abundant
[单项选择]My brother changed his major at college several times and he never ______ any one very long.
A. stuck to
B. kept back
C. let alone
D. made way
[单项选择]I must drop a line to my brother.
A. throw him a rope
B. write him a letter
C. send him a telegram
D. save his life
[单项选择]I couldnt find my EnglishChinese dictionary .
A. somewhere
B. nowhere
C. everywhere
D. anywhere
[单项选择]Mary couldn't have received my letter; otherwise she()before now.
A. would have replied
B. has replied
C. must have replied
D. had replied
[单项选择]I couldn't finish my paper because the computer ______.

A. took down
B. broke down
C. tore down
D. fell down
[单项选择]My brother's room is ()mine.
A. twice the size of
B. as twice the size
C. as twice as
D. twice the size as
[单项选择]My brother is six years()than I.
A. old
B. older
C. oldest


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