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发布时间:2023-12-21 01:22:22

[单项选择]Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be ______, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.
A. ambiguous
B. provisional
C. menial
D. unique

更多"Although Ms. Brown found some of he"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Although Ms. Brown found some of her duties to be ______, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility.
A. ambiguous
B. provisional
C. menial
D. unique
[单项选择]When she does something, Mrs. Brown feels that her little child is al- ways ______.
A. under way
B. in the way
C. on the way
D. by the way
[单项选择]Ive found some pictures of the most interesting places you can visit during the winter holidays.
A. where
B. which
C. what
D. that
[单项选择]After he has written his paper, he found some additional material()he should have included.
A. that
B. of which
C. in which
D. whom
[单项选择]I have found some articles _______the harmful effects of drinking.
A. being concerned
B. concerned
C. to concern
D. concerning
[单项选择]When she found her daughter was running a high fever, she ______ took her to hospital.
A. promptly
B. consequently
C. consistently
D. provokingly
[单项选择]A few weeks after the test, Connie Pratt found herself ______.
A. the most famous actress of the world
B. playing the leading female role in a film
C. no less famous than the leading actor of the day
D. as famous as the greatest actor of the world
[单项选择]Annie found her father-in-law annoying because he ______.
A. kept giving her unwanted presents
B. rarely talked to her and Bob
C. sat when she was cleaning
D. never said what time he was getting up
[单项选择]Sally was a bit shy, but the teacher found her quite ______ discussing a recent film with others.
A. at home
B. at most
C. at house
D. at heart
[单项选择]The police still haven' t found her, but they' re doing all they ______ .
A. may
B. can
C. must
D. will
[单项选择]Mary ______ when she found her husband drunk again.
A. blew her top
B. became abnormal
C. was affected
D. in opposition
[单项选择]She found her watch ______ she lost it.
A. where
B. when
C. in which
D. that
[单项选择]Where was it ______ she found her missing handbag
A. that
B. where
C. the place where
D. in which
[单项选择]Mrs. Brown thought I was talking about her daughter,______ in fact, I was talking about my daughter.
A. whom
B. which
C. that
D. while


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