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发布时间:2023-10-05 12:05:25

[单项选择]I promise never to get drunk()
A. hence
B. therefore
C. henceforth
D. thereby

更多"I promise never to get drunk()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I promise to look( )the matter as soon as I get back to the head office.
A. into
B. in
C. for
D. after
[单项选择]Wily did the applicant reply" Then I'll never get the job"
A. Because he was a Mashona.
B. Because he was not a Mashona.
C. Because he could do the job.
D. Because he had no such ability.
[单项选择]Why did the applicant reply "Then I'll never get the job "
A. Because he was a Mashona.
B. Because he was not a Mashona.
C. Because he could do the job.
D. Because he had no such ability.
[单项选择]The applicant replied, "Then I'll never get the job." because ______.
A. he was a Mashona
B. he was not a Mashona
C. be could do the job
D. he had no such ability
[单项选择]I walked eight miles today. I never guessed that I could walk ______ far.
A. that
B. more
C. such
D. as
[单项选择]--I promise that his daughter ______ get a nice present on her birthday.--Will it be a big surprise to her
A. should
B. must
C. would
D. shall
[单项选择]—I thought you might have got drunk. —I ______.
A. almost have
B. almost had
C. almost did
D. almost got
[单项选择]Never before have I heard the song ( ) in English.
A. to be sung
B. singing
C. sung
D. singing
[单项选择]I will never forget how excited I was when I set foot in China.
A. 我永远不会忘记当我涉足中国的时候有多么激动。
B. 我永远不会忘记我是怎样的激动当我脚踏中国的土地。
C. 我决不会忘记当我踏上中国的土地时是怎么的激动。
D. 我决不会忘记当我踏上中国的土地时,我是多么的激动。
[单项选择]He is a boy of promise; he never fails to ______the expectations of his parents and teachers.
A. live up with
B. stand up with
C. live up to
D. stand up for
[单项选择]Jack can never get high marks in his maths exam, because he tends to regard his mistakes as ______.
A. neglected
B. neglectful
C. negligible
D. negligent
[单项选择]The film in my camera is finished. I need to get it ______ .
A. cut
B. cleaning
C. to test
D. developed


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