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发布时间:2023-10-29 09:57:32

[单项选择]Nora: You're late. Now we'll miss the movie. Alex: ______ I was stuck in traffic.

更多"Nora: You're late. Now we'll miss t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We regret to inform you that we'll have to cancel our order on account of your failure to deliver the goods punctually.
A. 我们抱歉通知你们为了及时交货,我们将取消在你们失误账面上的订货。
B. 我们遗憾地通知贵方,由于你们的失误,未能及时交货,我们只好取消订货。
C. 我们遗憾地通知你们,由于贵方未能及时交货,我方只得取消订货。
D. 我们抱歉通知你,为了保证及时送货,我们不得不取消让你修改错误账面的命令。
[单项选择]The passage suggests that we should now re-examine our thinking about work and ______.
A. be prepared to fill in time by taking up housework
B. set up smaller private enterprises so that we in turn can employ others
C. create more factories in order to increase our productivity
D. be prepared to admit that being employed is not the only kind of work
[单项选择]The article suggests that we should now re-examine our thinking about the future of work and ______.
A. create more factories in order to increase our productivity
B. be prepared to admit that being employed is not the only kind of work
C. set up smaller private enterprises so that we in turn can employ others
D. be prepared to fill in time at home taking up hobbies and leisure activities
[单项选择]Host: Are you sure you're leaving now It's so early. Guest: ______.
[单项选择]( ) you call me to say you're not coming, I'll see you at the theatre.
A. Though
B. Whether
C. Until
D. Unless
[单项选择]When you're ready, I'll take you to ______ airport.
A. /
B. the
C. a
D. an
[单项选择]______ you call me to say you're not coming, I'll see you at the theatre.
A. Though
B. Whether
C. Until
D. Unless
[单项选择]You're always forgetting your assignments. You're a very (forget) ______ person.
[单项选择]"If we fail to act now," said Tom, "we'll find ourselves ______ this later on."
A. pay back
B. pay for
C. pay up
D. pay off
[单项选择]"If we fail to act now, "said Tom, "We'll find ourselves ______ in action later on."
A. paid back
B. paid for
C. paid up
D. paid off
[单项选择]We'll ______ you as soon as we have any further information.
A. relate
B. communicate
C. talk
D. notify


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