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发布时间:2023-10-22 18:59:03

[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering all of the following questions EXCEPT

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[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering all of the following questions EXCEPT
[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions
[单项选择]The passage provides information for answering all of the following questions EXCEPT______.
A. Do identical twins have the same handedness
B. Is language conducive to survival
C. Is the "gene-culture coevolution" model reliable
D. Why are some people left-handed
[单项选择]The text mainly supplies information for answering which of the following questions
[单项选择]The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions
A. (A) What accounts for the difference in rates of consumption in certain countries
B. (B) What is the numerical factor by which per capita energy consumption exceeds physiological energy requirements
C. (C) Which countries tend to have more sensitive ecosystems, those with small or large populations
D. (D) What factor in calculating sustainability has Witkins neglected to consider in his theory of global development
E. (E) What evidence is there for the notion that higher rates of consumption can be more important than population rates in calculating the impact of development
[单项选择]The passage supplies information to answer which of the following questions
A. (A) Which species, human or dog, has greater numbers of the neurotransmitters that have been hypothetically linked to narcolepsy
B. (B) At what age do human beings first experience the degenerative effects of narcolepsy
C. (C) What role do human leukocyte antigens perform for the human immune system
D. (D) Why did Honda initially suspect that HLAs played a role in narcolepsy
E. (E) Which of the researchers named in the passage isolated narcolepsy as a distinct syndrome
[单项选择]The information in the passage suggests that advocates of the Headland Hypothesis discussed in the passage made which of the following errors
A. (A) Failing to recognize the reciprocal relationship between foraging practices and the availability of carbohydrate-rich species
B. (B) Attributing the trade relations between agriculturalists and foragers to the differences in the nutritional qualities of various rain forest food products
C. (C) Overemphasizing the importance of carbohydrate-rich species to the diet of rain forest foragers
D. (D) Interpreting changes in rain-forest composition to the willingness of agriculturalists to trade with foragers
E. (E) Failing to observe the role of seed-disbursal in the ecological success of the sago palm


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