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发布时间:2023-10-21 13:35:07

[单项选择]The British government often says that furnishing children with ______ to the information superhighway is a top priority.
A. access
B. procedure
C. allowance
D. protection

更多"The British government often says t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The director of our' office often says, "We must never let any _____________ success go to our heads."
A. accidental
B. intentional
C. occupational
D. professional
[单项选择]She often says her greatest happiness ______ serving the handicapped children.
A. relies on
B. consists in
C. composes of
D. comprises in
[单项选择]The director often says it is difficult to design a program that will meet the ______ needs of all our users.
A. diverse
B. distinctive
C. distinct
D. distinguished
[单项选择]What is the British government going to do to help solve the problem

A. It will employ more teachers.
B. It will allocate more money to the schools.
C. It will set up a committee.
D. It will ignore the problem and let it be.

A month ago, the British government announced a plan to keep terrorist suspects indefinitely under house arrest (1) the home secretary’s say-so, It has been attacked from all sides ever since. This week the government backtracked. Under the Prevention of Terrorism bill, (2) to Parliament this week, house arrest would (3) a potential (4) in the government’s ever-expanding anti-terrorist arsenal, but the government would first have to (5) of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights guaranteeing a right to liberty. Parliament would have to vote on that.
The government could do this (6) the terrorist threat to Britain, already described by the government as " (7) ", got even worse. Even then, the powers would remain (8) by political and judicial safeguards. Before the home secretary could make a house-arrest order, he would have to be satisfied on the (9) of probabilities--no long
A. sensible
B. rational
C. logical
D. reasonable

[单项选择]The real power of the British government lies in ______.
A. the House of Commons
B. the cabinet headed by the Prime Minister
C. the Prime Minister
D. the Queen
[单项选择]What American business often do to the government is to ______.
[单项选择]There is pressure on the British Government to ______ the number of immigrants permitted to settle in the U.K.
A. confine
B. decrease
C. restrain
D. limit
[单项选择]How often did the Head of Government of the Commonwealth usually meet for exchange of ideas
A. Every year.
B. Every four years.
C. Every two years.
D. Every three years.
[单项选择]The British government proposals in the new plans that ______.
A. young drug takers should accept drug treatment
B. the police give people a blood test when they are charged
C. children who sell drugs be given penalties
D. transportation of drags be punished


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