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发布时间:2023-11-02 05:49:21

[单项选择]She is ______ teacher that all her students love both her and the subject she teaches.
A. so a good
B. so good a
C. such good a
D. a such good

更多"She is ______ teacher that all her "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The teacher, together with her students,()the beach to swim.
A. goes to
B. go to
C. goes
D. go
[单项选择]The teacher, together with her students, ______ the beach to swim.
A. goes to
B. go to
C. goes
D. go
[单项选择]Among all her faults, she thanked Heaven her enemies could not ______ her ______ prying into the affairs of other people.
A. charge... with
B. accuse... of
C. sue... for
D. indict... for
[单项选择]She seemed ______ all her passion after she failed the Entrance Exam for University.
A. to have lost
B. having lost
C. to lose
D. losing
[单项选择]She lost her when the policeman stopped her to check whether her passport was valid (有效的).
A. language
B. spirit
C. character
D. temper
[单项选择]Her face brightened up when she saw her long-awaited friend _______.
A. turning off
B. turning away
C. turning in
D. turning up
[单项选择]She looked round the bus before she put her hand into the old lady's bag, because ______.
[单项选择]She had to exercise all her tact to prevent ______ between the two opinionated guests.
A. conflicts
B. contentions
C. contests
D. clashes
[单项选择]She enjoys her stay in England because she has ______ friends there.
[单项选择]Since she inherited her father's fortune, she is completely independent______ her husband.
A. from
B. on
C. of
D. with
[单项选择]She married her boss's son because she wanted a husband from a wealthy family. But she had to {{U}}bear{{/U}} her husband's bad temper.
A. live in
B. live on
C. live with
D. live up to
[单项选择]She expressed her strong determination that nothing could _________her to give up her career as a teacher.
A. induce
B. deduce
C. reduce
D. attract
[单项选择]The teacher's name is Mary Joan Shut. Her students call her ______.
A. Hiss Mary
B. Miss Joan
C. Miss Mary Joan
D. Miss Shut


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