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发布时间:2023-11-22 00:28:22

[单项选择]A guide dog for a blind person must show good ______ and be able to follow some commands.
A. sentiment
B. disposition
C. resolution
D. morality

更多"A guide dog for a blind person must"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The passage mainly tells us: one must be good at learning and using his brain.
[单项选择]Prospective students must show that they have sufficient money to cover their course fees and ______.
A. support
B. sustenance
C. supply
D. maintenance
[单项选择]Applicants must show that they have $10.000 or more ______ for living expenses and approximately $10,000 for tuition.
A. acceptable
B. advisable
C. available
D. applicable
[单项选择]—Must I walk the dog in the park now —No,you.
A. mustnt
B. neednt
C. cant
D. may not
[单项选择]______ , you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.
A. No matter who you are
B. Whomever you are
C. Whoever you are
D. No matter who are you
[单项选择]______, you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.
A. No matter whoever you are
B. Whoever you are
C. Whomever you are
D. No matter who are you
[单项选择]The most often used English words to show good manners are ______.
A. Hi, Thank you and Bye
B. Please, Thank you and OK
C. Hello, Bye and Thank you
D. Thank you, Sorry and Please
[单项选择]As is known to all, the newcomers must have a good command of English in this company.
A. 正如所有人知道的,这个公司新来的人英语必须不错。
B. 众所周知,这个公司新来的人英语必须不错。
C. 众所周知,新来的人在这个公司必须学英语。
D. 众所周知,这个公司的老板必须用英语发号施令。
[单项选择]That man must be blind, ______ he is feeling his way about.
A. so
B. since
C. for
D. because
[单项选择]As a good photographer, you must develop an awareness of the world around you and the people who ______ it.
A. innovate
B. inhabit
C. inhibit
D. inherit
[单项选择]According to the passage, a good speaker must ______.
A. "sell" his or her ideas to an audience
B. maintain direct eye contact with listeners
C. be very persuasive and believable
D. be exceptionally well-disposed


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