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发布时间:2023-10-04 12:47:28

[单项选择]The owner and editor of the newspaper______ the conference.
A. were attending
B. were to attend
C. is to attend
D. are to attend

更多"The owner and editor of the newspap"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The owner and editor of the newspaper______ the conference.

A. were attending
B. were to attend
C. is to attend
D. are to attend
[单项选择]The owner and editor of the newspaper ______ the conference.
A. were attending
B. were to attend
C. is to attend
D. are to attend
[单项选择]The owner and editor of the newspaper ____________ the conference.
A. were attending
B. were to attend
C. is to attend
D. are to attend
[单项选择]Why did the owner of the shop put the book in a comer
A. He put it there in case anyone was persuaded to buy it.
B. He put it there in case anyone was inclined to buy it.
C. He put it there in case anyone was attracted to buy it.
D. He put it there in case anyone was fascinated to buy it.
[单项选择]I feel like ______ to the owner of the house to complain.
A. write
B. to write
C. writing
D. written
[单项选择]What is the editor's attitude
A. Support.
B. Distaste.
C. Disapproval.
D. Compromise.
[单项选择]The small shop owner often welcome nearby competition to ______ business.
A. specify
B. stretch
C. stimulate
D. survive
[单项选择]Special telephone links make it possible for owners of home computers to receive news from ______.
A. newspapers
B. magazines
C. wire services
D. radio and television stations
[单项选择]The restaurant owner bought two hundred pounds of potatoes which contain 99% water content. The potatoes are left in the sun for 4 hours. Now the total water content of the potatoes is slightly reduced to 96%. What is the total weight of the potatoes now
A. 194.06 pounds.
B. 192.08 pounds.
C. 150 pounds.
D. 50 pounds.
[单项选择]The space that exclusively belongs to its owner is referred to as primary territory. Which of the following places is NOT the primary territory()
A. Library tables.
B. Personal offices.
C. Father’s chair.
D. Mother’s kitchen.
[单项选择]The shop owner came up to see()
A. what was happened
B. what was going on
C. what the matter was
D. what is the matter
[单项选择]William Byrd was the owner of the largest library in colonial().
A. period
B. time
C. times
D. periods


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