发布时间:2023-10-05 05:14:01

[单项选择]David is good_______English, but he doesn’t do well______PE.
A. at; on
B. at; in
C. at; with
D. in; at

更多"David is good_______English, but he"的相关试题:

[单项选择]David is goodEnglish, but he doesnt do wellPE.
A. at; on
B. at; in
C. at; with
D. in; at
[单项选择]What did he do after he went to Seychelles

A. He worked as a BBC correspondent.
B. He worked as an instructor of journalism.
C. He worked as a dive master.
D. He stayed there as a tourist.
[单项选择]He used ( ) that there was nothing he couldn't do.
A. believe
B. to believe
C. to have believed
D. believed
[单项选择]______, he doesn't always learn what he should do.
A. How a man ever so clever
B. A man is ever so clever
C. So clever as is a mail
D. No matter how clever a man is
[单项选择]He is constantly late, and ill-prepared when he does finally arrive. He is jeopardizing his future.
A. developing
B. endangering
C. assuring
D. destroying
[单项选择]He _______ so much work that he couldn't really do it efficiently.
A. put on
B. turned on
C. brought on
D. took on
[单项选择]He doesn't seem to be able to do it,()I thought he could.
A. though
B. since
C. if
[单项选择]He is a nice dog. He won't do you any ______.
A. ill
B. bite
C. hurt
D. harm
[单项选择]What could he do ______ what he had said
A. was to take back
B. but to take back
C. but take back
D. was take back
[单项选择]What does a man do when he can't get exactly what he wants
[单项选择]He (will not do) it (had he known) how (serious) the outcome (would be).
A. will not do
B. had he known
C. serious
D. would be
[单项选择]How can he do so much work He ______ stay late at the office every evening and take work home at weekends.
[单项选择]We don't doubt ( ) he can do a good job.
A. whether
B. that
C. how
D. why


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