发布时间:2023-10-17 03:55:23

[单项选择]——Have you ______your father recently   ——No. He doesn’t often write to me.
A. heard about
B. heard of
C. heard from
D. got from

更多"——Have you ______your father recent"的相关试题:

[单项选择]——Have you your father recently ——No. He doesn't often write to me.
A. heard about
B. heard of
C. heard from
D. got from
[单项选择]You must have/he experience that you find your voice ______ on the telephone.
A. distorted
B. irregular
C. twisted
D. deformed
[单项选择]You'll have to spend ______ whiting your report here.
A. one day or two days
B. one day or two
C. a day or two
D. two days or one
[单项选择] You have your right to be concerned about your future work, whereas the interviewer has his about your ability to do the job.
A. 你有权关注自己未来的工作,并让面试官知道你有能力做这项工作。
B. 你有权关心自己未来的工作,面试官同样也有权关注你的工作能力。
C. 你应该了解自己未来的工作,并使面试官知道你有能力做这项工作。
D. 你应该相信自己未来的工作,面试官同样也知道你能胜任这项工作。
[单项选择]Next week you'd better bring all your questions here. We're going to have a question-and-answer ______.
A. section
B. service,
C. session
D. course
[单项选择]If you want to have your hair cut, you can go to the ______.
A. Hibiya and Sanshin Buildings
B. Kyobashi Station
C. Plaza of Water
D. Second basement of the Toshiba

When you have completed your college education,you will look for a job suited to your training,interests,and ambitions(志向).In most cases,you will visit a likely employer’s office and complete an application form for the position in which you are interested.The employer may then make a decision regarding your ability on the basis of the application form and a personal interview. Throughout your lifetime,however,you may find yourself in other job-seeking situations in an attempt to improve your position.As you gain experience,you are likely to become ambitious for better and better jobs.These better jobs often request written letters of application and summaries of your background and experience.Your writing skills may play an important part in obtaining the job you desire. In any job-seeking situation,there are a number of ways you may use your writing skills:to complete an application form,prepare a resume,write an application letter,or write employment follow-up letters.As
A. will follow their interests and ambition
B. like to visit every employer's office
C. can make an arrangement for an interview
D. will surely get a chance to improve position

[单项选择]You should have your eyes tested every year in case the ______ of your spectacles need changing.
A. lenses
B. glasses
C. sights
D. crystals
[单项选择]You can ask______ if you want to have your clothes washed.

A. the front desk
B. the room staff
C. the hotel bar


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