发布时间:2024-02-13 03:20:33

[单项选择]The boy said he wouldn’t eat________.
A. any longer
B. no longer
C. any more
D. no more

更多"The boy said he wouldn’t eat_______"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The boy said he wouldnt eat .
A. any longer
B. no longer
C. any more
D. no more
[单项选择]The mayor said that he wouldn't attend the meeting himself, but his secretary would come instead.
A. 市长说他不能亲自来参加会议了,但他的秘书会代他来参加。
B. 市长说他不能来参加会议,但他让他的秘书代他来。
C. 市长说他的秘书将代他参加一个他不愿参加的会议。
D. 市长说他的秘书将取代他的职位来参加这个会议。
[单项选择]Tom said that he wouldn't mind ______ .
A. to wait for us
B. waiting for us
C. wait for us
D. for waiting us
[单项选择]John said he wouldn't go to the party as he was busy, but he went there ______.
A. after all
B. above all
C. at all
D. in all
[单项选择]Al said that he wouldn't mind _______.
A. to wait for us
B. walling for us
C. wait for us
D. for waiting us
[单项选择]What does the man mean when he said that he didn't win a Nobel Prize

[单项选择]The boy ______ when he said that he ______ the eggs ______ by the hen in the closet before he ______ down to have a rest.
A. was lying, had laid, laid, lay
B. had laid, lay, laid, was lying
C. lay, was lying, lain, lay
D. laid, lay, lam, lies
[单项选择]Allen said that he won't mind ().
A. to wait for us
B. for waiting us
C. him waiting for us
D. wait for us
[单项选择]I ______ the boy to save money, but he wouldn’t listen.
A. hoped
B. suggested
C. wanted
D. made
[单项选择]John said that he didn't quite () and asked me to repeat what I had said.
A. snatch up
B. summon up
C. catch on
D. watch out
[单项选择]John said that he didn't do ______ paperwork.
A. many
B. lots of
C. a great deal of
D. much
[单项选择]The () he said it he knew what a mistake he had made.
A. moment
B. time
C. occasion
D. hour
[单项选择]______he said he wasn't hungry, he ate a big breakfast.
A. Although
B. Unless
C. Despite
D. Even
[单项选择]John said that he didn't quite _______ and asked me to repeat what I had said.
A. snatch up
B. summon up
C. catch on
D. watch out
[单项选择]John said that he didn't quite _________ and asked me to repeat what I had said.

A. snatch up
B. summon up
C. catch on
D. watch out


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