发布时间:2023-12-21 21:11:58

[单项选择]Your room is very dirty. You should keep it______.
A. clean
B. dry
C. quiet
D. warm

更多"Your room is very dirty. You should"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Your room is very dirty. You should keep it .
A. clean
B. dry
C. quiet
D. warm
[单项选择]You should ______ your room now and then to keep it supplied with fresh air.
A. ventilate
B. versatile
C. verify
D. versify
[单项选择]You should ________ your room now and then to keep it supplied with fresh air.
A. ventilate
B. versatile
C. verify
D. versify
[单项选择]You should check your answers after you finish the paper.
[单项选择]You should check your answers when you finish the paper.
[单项选择]We'll let you use the room()you keep it clean and tidy.
A. as long as
B. on condition (that)
C. suppose
D. if
[单项选择]—Dear Eric, your room is too dirty. It should ( ) right away.
—Sorry. I'll do it now.
A. is cleaned
B. be cleaned
C. cleans
D. clean
[单项选择]When you are at your()end,you should not lose your head.
A. wit's
B. wit
C. wits'
D. wits's
[单项选择]It is very noisy in the room. Could you please ______ the recorder
[单项选择]You should present your most attractive qualifies throughout the interview.
A. 面试期间,你应该自始至终展现出你最有魅力的素质。
B. 在整个面试期间,你应该尽全力展示你引人注意的品质。
C. 通过面试,你应该把最吸引人的地方表现出来。
D. 你应该现在就拿出最吸引入的东西以便通过面试。
[单项选择]When you write about your education, you should list______.
A. the names of your teachers who gave the main courses
B. the time of different stages of education
C. the addresses and telephone numbers of schools and universities you attended
D. the name of your classmates who were closest to you
[单项选择]How should you consider your tint job
A. It is never the right job for you.
B. It should not be regarded as your final job.
C. It should not be changed or people will become suspicious of your ability to hold any job.
D. It is primarily an opportunity to fit yourself for your final job.
[单项选择]You should _______ your dreams even if you meet with setbacks.
A. hold on to
B. keep up with
C. suffer from
D. put up with
[单项选择]To improve your spoken English, you should take ______ of every opportunity to practice.
A. chance
B. advantage
C. action
D. use
[单项选择]We'll be very careful and keep what you've told us strictly __________.
A. rigorous
B. confidential
C. private
D. mysterious


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