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发布时间:2023-10-20 11:39:30

[单项选择]He went on to say that he would go to his hometown in ______ of peace.
A. quest
B. allowance
C. thirst
D. greed

更多"He went on to say that he would go "的相关试题:

[单项选择]He went on to say that he would go to his hometown in ______ of peace.
A. quest
B. allowance
C. thirst
D. greed
[单项选择]Jim went to his hometown yesterday. He ______ there already.
A. must arrive
B. may arrive
C. may have arrived
D. would arrive
[单项选择]He doesn't say in his letter that he's going to be back or not.
A. say
B. that
C. be back
D. or not
[单项选择]When he went out, he would wear sunglasses () nobody would recognize him.
A. so that
B. now that
C. as though
D. in case
[单项选择]John went to his teacher for______ about his French.
A. an advice
B. advice
C. advices
D. the advice
[单项选择]When he went out, he would wear sunglasses ______nobody would recognize him.
A. so that
B. now that
C. as though
D. in case
[单项选择]Mr. Dane went through his daughter's essay carefully, to eliminate slang words from it.
A. reduce
B. exchange
C. remove
D. exhibit
[单项选择]On Sunday, Jim went with his farther to choose a Christmas tree.
[单项选择]He gathered his courage and went on writing music, though he could hear what he wrote only more and more faintly.
A. 他鼓起勇气,继续谱写音乐,虽然他只能听到越来越模糊的音乐。
B. 他鼓起勇气,继续谱写音乐,虽然他对自己写了些什么越来越记不清楚。
C. 他鼓起勇气,继续音乐创作,虽然他对自己创作的音乐听得越来越模糊。
D. 他鼓起勇气,继续音乐创作,虽然他听到音乐时感到越来越头昏目眩。
[单项选择]Some of his colleagues say he's loud and ______ and that everyone hates him.
A. obnoxious
B. straightforward
C. considerate
D. genial
[单项选择]He doesn't (say) in his letter (that) he' s going to (be back) (or not).
A. say
B. that
C. be back
D. or not
[单项选择]He is an experienced teacher,that is to say,he has.
A. many experiences
B. much experiences
C. a lot of experience
D. little experience
[单项选择]He doesn't (say) in his letter (that) he's going to (be back) (or not).
A. say
B. that
C. be back
D. or not


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