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发布时间:2023-10-21 13:23:24

[单项选择]The writer seems to think that the teacher's judgment on that sensitive piece of writing is ______.
A. reasonable
B. foolish
C. unfair
D. careless

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[单项选择]The writer seems to think that the teacher's judgment on that sensitive piece of writing is______.
A. reasonable
B. unfair
C. foolish
D. careless
[单项选择]The writer seems to think that the teacher’s judgement on that sensitive piece of writing is ______
A. unfair
B. reasonable
C. foolish
D. careless
[单项选择]Woman: Professor Burnes seems to think there's only one way to write a paper, and that's her way!Man: No kidding She sure wasn't like that last semester.Question: What can be inferred about Professor Burnes
[单项选择]One of the strengths of the writer's teacher was that he taught his pupils to ______.
A. view the world with precision
B. express their feelings in poetry
C. describe objects in detail
D. create imaginary worlds
[单项选择]______mother is a teacher and writer.
[单项选择]The author seems to think that commercial interruptions on television and radio.
A. are a waste of time
B. are fully justified.
C. only serve the interest of producers.
D. only serve the interest of the media.
[单项选择]The writer seems to think Leibniz lost largely because ______.
A. Newton discovered calculus years before him
B. all the scientists supported Newton instead of him
C. Newton was vocally talented
D. he put the dispute to the Royal Society
[单项选择]The author seems to think that less frequent meetings would
A. eliminate the need for etiquette and politeness
B. limit the value of friendships
C. detract from the value of society
D. make us more aware of the value of men
[单项选择]The author seems to think that railways are reminders of the______.
A. growing dislike in England of the Victorian age
B. benefits that the machine age has brought to man
C. ugliness and oppression that modem society has overcome
D. personal concern and solid beauty of a past age
[单项选择]The writer of the passage seems to think that Insurance is ______.
A. old-fashioned
B. useful and necessary
C. a form of gambling
D. a way of making money quickly
[单项选择]The writer seems to think that as an adult one must ______.
[单项选择]The writer seems to think that to a great extent your choice of color will be determined by ______.
A. the characteristic local colors
B. a need to make your house 10ok artistic
C. the limited number of colors available locally
D. your desire to make your house look different


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