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发布时间:2023-10-08 10:21:18

[单项选择]In the third paragraph the author uses the example of the single mother to indicate that faith
A. is a gift.
B. is a choice.
C. can be easily wavered.
D. is a spontaneous impulse.

更多"In the third paragraph the author u"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the third paragraph, the author uses some findings to illustrate ______.
A. some achievements made in social and behavioral sciences
B. the demand for social and behavioral studies
C. the current trend in the increase of crimes
D. the inefficiency of criminal justice and prison policies
[单项选择]In the second paragraph the author uses an analogy (类比) that assumes that general principles are similar to______.
A. the wood
B. the trees
C. technical details
D. fixed laws
[单项选择]In the second paragraph, the author uses the word "self-sufficiency" to mean that _________.
A. economic development damages our future
B. we should return to the productive mode in the past decades
C. people uses their own things rather than borrowing from others
D. we must reduce the environmental cost of economic development
[单项选择]In the last paragraph the author cites the example of beautiful peacocks with gorgeous tails to mean ______.
A. a female who favors cute clothes
B. a male who likes cute clothes
C. an animal that favors many friends
D. a male who is cute but not rich
[单项选择]In the second paragraph the author used an example to show that ______.
A. any real estate agent should use digital still camera
B. digital still camera should be used together with Internet Web
C. digital age is gaining momentum
D. house dealing can be made easier
[单项选择]In the third paragraph, the author use the example of laboring people tending to drink standardized beer to _______.
[单项选择]In the third paragraph the author explains ().
A. what role the market system plays in producing public goods
B. how weak the market system is in producing public goods
C. why some people refuse to pay for public goods
D. what we can do to make use of the market system
[单项选择]In Paragraph 3, the author uses the phrase "a sort of self-winding process" to illustrate ____________.
[单项选择]In Paragraph 1, the author uses the quoted word "grief" from Shakespeare to refer to ______.
A. the terrible weather
B. the stern army life
C. the suffering from diarrhea
D. the tough wartime
[单项选择]In paragraph 3 the writer uses the phrase "to the best of my knowledge..." because ______.
A. she has good knowledge of this area
B. she is not sure if the area has been researched in Hong Kong
C. she thinks the area has been researched in Hong Kong
D. she does not wish to take responsibility for any omissions in the bibliography
[单项选择]In the first paragraph, the third line, the word "sizzling" probably means _________.
A. prosperous
B. drizzling
C. dazzling
D. freezing
[单项选择]In fourth paragraph, the author cites the example of Monica and Bill to show that ______.
A. men like charming women while women like strong men
B. men like charming women while women like rich men
C. men like money while women like cute men
D. men like money while women like charming men


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