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发布时间:2023-11-30 03:47:40

[单项选择]Clear Cell Heights表示是
A. 清除单元格列宽
B. 清除行高
C. 清除列宽
D. 清除单元格行高

更多"Clear Cell Heights表示是"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Dreamweaver的修改(Modify)菜单中,Table→Merge Cell表示
A. 选择当前链接目标
B. 使用户可以命名链接目标
C. 突出包围当前光标位置的整个表格
D. 使用跨越合并选定单元格
[单项选择]An individual nerve cell usually has a large cell body and a __________ nucleus.
A. cohesive
B. immature
C. conscientious
D. conspicuous
[单项选择]Wuthering Heights is the masterpiece by ______.
A. Jane Austen
B. Emily Bronti
C. Charles Dickens
D. William Makepeace Thackeray
[单项选择]A eukaryotic cell has( )
A. One copy of each ribosomal transcription unit.
B. Thousands of copies of the 5S rRNA gene.
C. Two copies of each gene for rRNA and ribosomal proteins.
D. Two copies of each gene for rRNA and one copy of each ribosomal proteingene.
[单项选择] __ is not clear.
A. That he will come
B. He will come
C. Whether he will come
D. If he will come
[单项选择]Standardization and rigidity are very clear characteristics of ____ tours offered on al arge scale.
A. international
B. in-bound
C. package
D. business
[单项选择]Both ads offer clear information about the following except ______.
A. education requirement
B. location of the job
C. salary
D. description of the job
[单项选择]About what time should skies clear on Sunday
A. Around 10:00 am.
B. Around 7:00 am.
C. Around 6:00 pm.
D. Around 3:00 pm.
[单项选择]It is becoming increasingly clear that stress can wreak ______ not only with the immune system, cardiovascular system but hormones too.
A. havoc
B. misery
C. lement
D. wreck
[单项选择]The process of establishing clear and achievable objectives, measuring their achievement, and adjusting performance in accordance, with the results of the measurement is called ______ .
A. strategic planning
B. alternative objectives inventory
C. management by objectives
D. contingency planning
[单项选择]It is clear that many institutional investors once voted -------; now after so many scandals, some managers admit that they should have done more to ------- corporate excesses.
A. (A) imprudently... curb
B. (B) insolently ... insinuate
C. (C) intelligently... observe
D. (D) precariously ... expose
E. (E) insensitively ... brook
[单项选择]Who usually tries to impress others with his cell phone

A. A person who has just began using a cell phone or a person who intends to show off the latest model of his cell phone.
B. A person who is self-important and pompous.
C. A person who has been using a cell phone for quite a long time.
D. A person who is not so confident about himself.
[单项选择]According to the passage, the problems cell phone industry is faced with involve the following EXCEPT ______.
[单项选择]Compared to the modem cell phone, the conventional phone system ______.
A. makes every customer available to the network by wires
B. relies on a delicate mesh of thousands of antenna towers
C. is characterized by digital photography and Internet-based games
D. always faces the resistance from local government


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