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发布时间:2023-11-29 02:08:42

[单项选择]The writer decided to wait because he was told that Alice would be back at ______.
A. 12: 30
B. 12:45
C. 11:00
D. 11:45

更多"The writer decided to wait because "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The writer decided to quit smoking partly because
A. she could not afford any more cigarettes,
B. her doctor had advised her to do so.
C. her brother had given up smoking.
D. she had started to cough.
[单项选择]He wasn't shocked by what he had been told; he Was astonished that it ______ said to him by his own daughter.
A. was
B. had been
C. was being
D. should have been
[单项选择]When he was told that he scored 58 in the final examination, he was in {{U}}a comfort{{/U}} of remorse.
A. a distress
B. a suffering
C. an agony
D. a misery
[单项选择]He told me he had been offered a very well-paid {{U}}position{{/U}} abroad.
A. employment
B. service
C. job
D. work
[单项选择](I have been) told that he (will have come) if he (were) (able).
A. have been
B. will have come
C. were
D. able
[单项选择]Brown’s father told him he could have _____ he wanted for birthday.
A. wherever
B. whatever
C. whenever
D. whichever
[单项选择]Wolfgang's father told him he couldn't play the piano yet because ______.
A. his sister was taking lessons
B. he had to help his mother
C. he was too small
D. he had to wait for sister to finish practising
[单项选择]The manager was told when he was (), that his was a pressure job.
A. appointed
B. pointed
C. assigned
D. disappointed
[单项选择]He decided to quit smoking because of his cough.( )
A. give up
B. put up
C. set up
D. take up
[单项选择]The manager was told when he was ______that his job was a pressure job.
A. appointed
B. pointed
C. assigned
D. disappointed
[单项选择]He was told he could join the army when he () old enough.
A. would be
B. should be
C. was
D. were
[单项选择]When the writer told an ex-colleague about the man in the park, the ex-colleague ______ .
[单项选择]He was told he could join the army when he ______ old enough.
A. would be
B. should be
C. was
D. were


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