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发布时间:2023-10-23 03:53:43

[单项选择]Rabbits are quiet animals,()they are able to make 20 different sounds.
A. how
B. in spite of
C. because of
D. even though

更多"Rabbits are quiet animals,()they ar"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Gorillas are quiet animals, _______ they are able to make about twenty different sounds.
A. how
B. in spite of
C. even though
D. because of
[单项选择]Being able to move gives animals many advantages, but it also generates its own demands. For any animal, ______ movement can be unhelpful or even dangerous.
A. ransom
B. retrieve
C. random
D. redeem
[单项选择]What are the sounds a child is able to make like
A. They are not varied as those used in language.
B. They are more varied and numerous than those in any language.
C. They are far fewer than those needed to form a language.
D. They are completely different from the sounds of a language.
[单项选择]If you go to the USA, you'll be able to make friends with those ______.
A. outside the place where you study
B. outside the United States
C. who will ask you to stay longer in the USA
D. who will continue to keep in touch with you after you return to your own country
[单项选择]If you go to the U. S. A, you'll be able to make friends with those______.
A. outside the place where you study
B. outside the United States
C. who will ask you to stay longer in the U. S. A
D. who will continue to keep in touch with you after you return to your own country
[单项选择]______ cute rabbits!
[单项选择]As a result of their frequent litters, rabbits have the reputation of being ______.
A. ruthless
B. prolific
C. practical
D. rational
[单项选择]If you try to chase two rabbits at the same time, you will not catch ________ one.
A. each
B. any
C. neither
D. either
A. (A) flora : plants
B. (B) vegetation : aboriginals
C. (C) fowl: amphibians
D. (D) livestock: oxen
E. (E) department : professors
[单项选择]Environmentalists keep quiet because concern over the radioactive gaseous elements in houses would ______ attention from the campaign against nuclear power.
A. convert
B. divert
C. invert
D. reverse
[单项选择]It ______ 12 rabbits to test a sample of vaccine, now it takes only 6.
A. used to taking
B. used to take
C. is used to take
D. was used to taking

Practically all animals communicate either through sounds or through soundless codes.()

A. Certainly
B. Probably
C. Almost
D. Absolutely


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