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发布时间:2023-11-14 19:59:29

[单项选择]What has Michael Jordan got in return for his promotion of Air Jordan
A. $ 2.5 million over five years.
B. A royalty on all items sold.
C. A number of benefits.
D. All of the above.

更多"What has Michael Jordan got in retu"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What attraction has the British seaside got for many parents in comparison with European resorts
A. They can take their families with them in their own country.
B. There are more ways of enjoying themselves there.
C. They can relive happy memories.
D. It takes them less time to get there.
[单项选择]--What has happened --I got injured in a car accident. --I suppose you ______ too fast.
A. were driving
B. had driven
C. had been driving
D. have driven
[单项选择]The author finally got his chair repaired by_______.
A. paying a lot of money for it
B. giving the shop owner a lot of trouble
C. making fun of the shop owner
D. amusing the shop owner
[单项选择]When the doctor got his books, he gave John ______.
[单项选择]There is a( )look on his face. What's on his mind
A. worry
B. worried
C. worrying
D. worring
[单项选择]He has impressed his employers considerably and ( ) he is soon to be promoted.
A. nevertheless
B. however
C. yet
D. accordingly
[单项选择]Man: This crazy bus schedule has got me completely frustrated. I can't for the life of me figure out when my bus to Cleveland leaves. Woman: Why don't you just go up to the ticket window and ask Question: What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Try to get a seat next to the window.
B. Find another passenger going to Cleveland.
C. Ask for information about the departure time.
D. Find out if there are any seats left on the bus.
[单项选择]The little boy has by his sister.
[单项选择]The newly elected leader has declared his intention of cleaning ______ the civil administrative organs.
A. down
B. off
C. up
D. out
[单项选择]He has searched his bag ______ 2 hours for his picture.

A. for
B. with
C. in


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