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发布时间:2023-12-22 20:16:51

[单项选择]What is the purpose of the text

更多"What is the purpose of the text"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is the purpose of the text
A. To introduce a language school in Japan.
B. To hire language teachers to work in Japan.
C. To describe working conditions in Japan.
D. To make clear the requirements for Japanese teachers.
[单项选择]What is the purpose in writing this text
A. Telling people how serious the damage caused by landslides is.
B. Telling people that sending workers to stabilize mountainsides is a risky job.
C. Introducing a product that can be used to stabilize mountainsides.
D. Showing people how to use a new product.
[单项选择]What is the purpose of writing the text
A. To praise the tourism policy of the EU.
B. To introduce tourism conditions in the EU.
C. To encourage us to travel across Europe.
D. To suggest the world be melted into one like the EU.
[单项选择]The primary purpose of the text is to
A. refute the theory that the free market plays a useful role in the development of industrialized societies.
B. argue that price-fixing, in one form or another, is an inevitable part of and benefit to the economy of any industrialized society.
C. show that in industrialized societies price-fixing and the operation of the free market are not only compatible but also mutually beneficial.
D. explain the various ways in which industrialized societies can fix prices in order to stabilize the free market.
[单项选择]What is the text about
[单项选择]What is this text about
[单项选择]What is the purpose of this passage

A. Introduce some new ideas about the relationship between trees and carbon dioxide.
B. Introduce recent condition of global industrial pollution.
C. Call on people to plant more trees to reduce greenhouse gases.
D. Point out that power companies should be responsible for the rising levels of carbon dioxid
[单项选择]What is the purpose of the article

[单项选择]What is the purpose of the conversation

A. To help the woman make a purchase.
B. To request the woman’s identification.
C. To show the woman for a course at City College.
D. To register the woman how to make out a check.


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