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发布时间:2023-11-09 02:48:25

[单项选择]Every morning, we are asked ______ taken our temperatures.

更多"Every morning, we are asked ______ "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Every morning, we are asked ______ taken our temperatures.

A. if we have
B. if have we
C. if we had
[单项选择]On this cloudless summer morning every leaf and blade of grass was sparking with ______.
A. spray
B. raindrops
C. frost
D. dew
[单项选择]We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources.

A. protect
B. reserve
C. consume
D. save
[单项选择]To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions ______ had used the products.
A. whoever
B. who
C. whichever
D. which
[单项选择]Having taken our seats,
A. the professor began the lecture
B. the lecture began in no time
C. we were attracted by the lecturer immediately
D. the bell announced the beginning of the lecture
[单项选择]We asked them to come to our party, but they ______ the invitation.
A. denied
B. declined
C. rejected
D. ignored
[单项选择]He does morning exercises every day()make himself strong.
A. in order that
B. to
C. so that
D. all above
[单项选择]We were asked to ______ our essay in three days.
A. hand over
B. hand in
C. hand out
D. hand down
[单项选择]We have been asked to defend ourselves and what we hold dear in cooperation with ______ who share with us the same endangered air and the same endangered oceans.
A. a country
B. a city
C. an area
D. all of the people
[单项选择]Measures should be taken to protect our environment before it is too late.
A. 在太晚之前应该立即采取措施来保护环境。
B. 在天黑之前,应该采取保护环境的措施。
C. 应该立即采取措施保护环境,否则为时已晚。
D. 应该立即采取措施保护环境,否则天要黑了。
[单项选择]Few people can ______ the morning exercises every day.
A. insist to
B. go on
C. wipe out
D. stick to
[单项选择]He does morning exercises every day ______ make himself strong.
A. in order that
B. to
C. so that
D. all above
[单项选择]If prompt measures are taken, we are sure that illiteracy in this region can be ______ in no time.
A. eliminated
B. abandoned
C. diminished
D. withdrawn
[单项选择]If prompt measures are. taken, we are sure that illiteracy in this region can be ______ in no time.
A. eliminated
B. abandoned
C. diminished
D. withdrawn


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