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发布时间:2024-04-17 21:55:19

[单项选择]"Is your camel blind ______ the left eye " The man asked again.
A. in
B. on
C. with
D. of

更多"'Is your camel blind ______ the lef"的相关试题:

[单项选择]"Is your camel blind ______ the left eye " The man asked again.

A. in
B. on
C. with
D. of
[单项选择]The camel is blind ______ the right eye and lame ______ the left foot.
A. in; in
B. on; on
C. at; at
D. with; witch
[单项选择]Your left ______ hemisphere controls the right-hand side of your body.
A. agile
B. cerebral
C. maniac
D. overbearing
[单项选择]Woman: Thank you very much for your help.Man:______
[单项选择]Safety glasses are used ______ protecting your eyes.

A. from
B. by
C. to
D. for
[单项选择]Man: What do your parents think about your new jobWoman: When I told them I was going to work for the company, they got excited. They were so happy that one of their girls could go out and see the world.Question: What kind of new job does the woman have
A. She will travel a lot.
B. She will work as a white-collar.
C. She will work in a big office.
D. She will work in an international company.
[单项选择]Man: David really has an eye for beauty.Woman: You can say that again.Question: What does the woman mean
A. David has good eyesight.
B. She agrees with the man.
C. The man should praise David more.
D. The man has said too much about David.
[单项选择]The man or woman left behind with an unfinished marriage usually ______.
A. admits responsibility for the situation
B. wishes the person who has left were dead
C. comes back within a year
D. will have no legal marriage life for seven years
[单项选择]When you see actions in your mind's eye, you are expected to______.

A. imagine your movement in detail
B. practice what you imagine
C. stop daydreaming
D. tell everything in your imagination


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