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发布时间:2023-10-24 01:20:33

[单项选择]The writer wanted to resign because______.
A. he had serious trouble with his boss
B. he got underpaid at his job for the Globe
C. he Wanted to be engaged in the new media industry
D. he had found a better paid job in a publishing house

更多"The writer wanted to resign because"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the last two paragraphs the writer wanted to make it clear that ______.
A. where there are no trees, the soil becomes hard and poor
B. where there are many trees, there are fewer floods
C. where there are no trees, the land might become desert slowly
D. floods will make the land become desert
[单项选择]When the writer decided to resign, the Globe was faced with ______.
A. a trouble with its staff members
B. a shortage of qualified reporters
C. an unfavorable business situation
D. an uncontrollable business situation
[单项选择]The writer of this passage wanted to______.
[单项选择]Why did President Nixon have to resign later
A. Because he signed an agreement with North Viet Nam.
B. Because many administration officials resigned.
C. Because he may encounter the impeachment due to the scandal.
D. Because Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned.
[单项选择]The doctor preferred to resign rather than be accused publicly of infamous conduct().
A. unknown
B. extraordinary
C. mysterious
D. disgraceful
[单项选择]My friend wanted to live in Mexico, but I wanted to stay in the United States so we made a______ and moved to New Mexico.
A. conflict
B. agreement
C. peace
D. compromise
[单项选择]He wanted to borrow money because he wanted to ______.
A. study abroad
B. work abroad
C. pay for the debts
D. learn to paint pictures
[单项选择]The unrighteous officer prefers to resign ______ part in such dishonest business deals.

A. than take
B. than to take
C. rather than take
D. rather than to take
[单项选择]Ms. Shirish will resign her position as chief ______officer.
A. (A) operator
B. (B) operational
C. (C) operation
D. (D) operating


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