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发布时间:2023-12-21 00:15:32

[单项选择]“He graduated from English Department, Beijing University.” illustrates the fact that English differs from Chinese in ______ .( )
A. branching sentence pattems
B. paratactic relations
C. word order
D. number and case

更多"“He graduated from English Departme"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He went()to study()after he graduated from the university.
A. abroad...further
B. abroadly...furtherly
C. abroad... furtherly
D. abroadly...further
[单项选择]While he was in Beijing, he spent all his time ______ some important museums and buildings.
A. visiting
B. traveling
C. watching
D. touting
[单项选择]— How do you come to Beijing from Guangzhou — ______.
[单项选择]He speaks English as if he ______ a native speaker.
A. were
B. is
C. was
D. be
[单项选择]"Does he speak English or Japanese ""He doesn't speak ______ ".
A. either
B. neither
C. none
D. all
[单项选择]After his long absence from school he found it difficult to ______ up with the rest of his class.
A. catch
B. take
C. make
D. work
[单项选择]— Henry has been teaching English in Beijing University for many years.
— It's no ______ he can speak Chinese so well and idiomatically.
A. matter
B. doubt
C. problem
D. wonder
[单项选择]Judging from what he said, Jack seemed()everything already.
A. understand
B. to be understanding
C. understandable
D. to have understood
[单项选择]Judging from what he has written, we can know that the writer is ______.
A. an experienced reporter
B. a medical researcher
C. an alcohol producer
D. a social worker
[单项选择]From what he said in the first paragraph, we can see Mr. Rogoff's attitude towards the present economic situation is one of _______.
A. dismayed reservation
B. reserved optimism
C. unreserved pessimism
D. painful regret
[单项选择]The period of Modern English extends from ______ to the present day.
A. the 15th century
B. the 16th century
C. the 17th century
D. the 18th century
[单项选择]From what he said at the end of Paragraph 3, we can conclude that Michael Harris ______.
A. was surprised at the At Home-Excite deal
B. was not satisfied with the At Home-Excite deal
C. accused At Home of accumulating its wealth from wars
D. considered the At Home-Excite deal desirable to At Home
[单项选择]His English was so poor that he found it difficult to make himself ______.
A. be understood
B. understand
C. understood
D. to understand


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