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发布时间:2023-10-05 09:42:37

[单项选择]Honorifics are defined by Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary as a class of grammatical forms used in speaking to or about a social ______. ( )
A. inferior
B. superior
C. equal
D. equivalent

更多"Honorifics are defined by Webster's"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Telescope are frequently used in astronomy to collect light from a celestial object, bring the light into focus, and producing a magnified image.

The Carnegie Foundation report says that many colleges have tried to be "all things to all people". In doing so, they have increasingly catered to a narrow minded careerism while failing to cultivate a global vision among their students. The current crisis, it contends, does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends. The problem is that in too many academic fields, the work has no context; skills, rather than being means, have become ends. Students are offered a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to a degree. In short, driven by careerism, "the nation’s colleges and universities are more successful in providing credentials (文凭) than in providing a quality education for their students. "The report concludes that the special challenge confronting the undergraduate college is one of shaping an "integrated core" of common learning. Such a core would introduce students" to essential knowledge, to conne
A. satisfy the needs of all kinds of students simultaneously
B. focus on training students in various skills
C. encourage students to take as many courses as possible
D. make learning serve academic rather than productive ends

[单项选择]Webster Dictionary meaning of authority is “power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior”. As a project manager, your authority is greatly dependent on______.
A. support from functional managers
B. support from senior management
C. influencing and leading skills of a project manager
D. organization structure
[单项选择]Which of the following is true about Westlake College
A. All teachers use computers.
B. 1,500 students have laptops.
C. It is an old college in America.
D. Students there can only use computers at school.
[单项选择]Among the 450 artworks in the White House art collection___________.
[单项选择]From the passage we learn that the purpose of collecting taxes is to ().
A. ensure the continuous supply, of public goods
B. reduce the difference between the rich and the poor
C. get extra money to support public goods
D. remind people of their duty
[单项选择]In the ninth paragraph, Sarah Lukin’s attitude toward the reform proposals is ______.
A. tolerant
B. supportive
C. negative
D. conservative
[单项选择]The sentence in the ninth paragraph, "researchers are not likely to have anything resembling a blood test for a mental illness soon"means that_____.
A. mental illness can not be diagnosed by blood test.
B. there is not a definite criterion for mental illness.
C. researchers do not like to use blood test.
D. techniques have gained enough progress but are still not enough for mental illness.
[单项选择]Le film nous montre des collégiens qui disent foutre à toutes les phrases etposent sur les adultes un oeil {{U}}circonspect {{/U}}.
A. irrespectueux
B. respectueux
C. peu admiratif
D. prudent
[填空题]He spoke at a length about the reforms in his college().
[单项选择]The author's reference to "private and public collections" suggests that ______.
A. (A) museums cannot prevent forgeries from entering their collections
B. (B) museums sometimes seek out forgeries for their collections
C. (C) museums that knowingly purchase forgeries are foolish
D. (D) many valuable paintings have yet to be found in museum storerooms


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