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发布时间:2023-11-13 23:51:34

[单项选择]Pollution comes in many ways. We can even hear it. Here it means"______".
A. water pollution
B. air pollution
C. noise pollution
D. rubbish

更多"Pollution comes in many ways. We ca"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How many cities in China can we fly to Canada directly from
A. 2.
B. 3.
C. 4.
D. 5.
[单项选择]What can we infer about the many

A. He thought the wall was dark and dirty.
B. He thought the rent was fancy.
C. He could make the decision immediately.
D. He would not visit the woman again.
[单项选择]From this library we can borrow()many books as we want to read.
A. that
B. such
C. as
D. too
[单项选择]Please speak louder we can hear more clearly.
[单项选择]We have to work even harder though we feel quite ______ our success.
A. secure of
B. nervous about
C. worried about
D. competent for
[单项选择]It is _______ that even if we can save much energy, we can only delay the energy crisis.
A. curious
B. obvious
C. distinct
D. explicit
[单项选择]What may be the result if we can not hear ourselves think
A. We may forget what we have thought about.
B. Our thoughts may be interfered.
C. Our mind may be harmed.
D. We have difficulty using the right words.
[单项选择]We can hear()from the back of the room.
A. just as good
B. just as easy
C. just as well
D. easily as well
[单项选择]Whenever we (hear of) a natural disaster, (even) in a distant part of the world, we feel (sympathy) for the people (to have affected).
A. hear of
B. even
C. sympathy
D. to have affected
[单项选择]We can infer from the passage that many Londoners think the B6rse is less acceptable than Euronext because______.
A. the market model of it is closer to "horizontal integration" than that of Euronext
B. the market model it represents is totally different from that of the LSE
C. it owns a clearing house and uses unrelated depositories for settlement
D. it is built to be clearer and settler of trades as well as exchange
[单项选择]From the passage we can tell that many Americans were fearful because they thought the Chinese were
A. hard-working and rich.
B. an inferior people.
C. lazy and stupid.
D. impossible to understand.
[单项选择]In the present economic ( ) we can make even greater progress than previously.
A. air
B. mood
C. area
D. climate
[单项选择]We can learn from the passage that many Mexians in El Hoyo ______.
A. migrated in phases from Mexico
B. married the children of Chinese immigrants
C. do not appreciate Padre Estanislao
D. live on the river bank
[单项选择]We can learn from the text that many married people ______.
A. find it hard to pay for what they need
B. have to learn to make their own furniture
C. take DIY courses run by the government
D. seldom go to a department store to buy things
[单项选择]—When can we discuss the problem
—()when we can, we must prepare for it right now.
A. No matter
B. Even though
C. As soon as
D. So that


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