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发布时间:2023-10-23 06:51:51

[单项选择]The suggestion of most specialists to deal with young offenders is ______.
A. providing chances for vocational training and reemployment
B. sending them to private schools to receive remedial education
C. making use of small, decentralized, community-based correctional programmes
D. allowing them to live near their original communities

更多"The suggestion of most specialists "的相关试题:

[单项选择]All specialists agree that the most important consideration with diet drugs is carefully the risks and benefits.
A. valuing
B. evaluating
C. estimating
D. weighing
[单项选择]I consider his suggestion the most ______ that has so far been offered.
A. sensible
B. sensitive
C. sentimental
D. strenuous
[单项选择]The following paragraph would most probably deal with ______.
[单项选择]What would the next paragraph most probably deal with

A. The works of famous American watercolor artists.
B. The decline of oil as a popular medium.
C. Techniques of manufacturing watercolor.
D. Modern American oil painters.
[单项选择]The young lady watched her daughtera yoyo yesterday afternoon.
A. to play with
B. playing with
C. to play
D. plays
[单项选择]Educational specialists argued that omitting such subject areas as the arts, foreign languages, ______ education could lead to a "narrowing" of what is taught in schools.
A. occasional
B. positional
C. vocational
D. personal
[单项选择]When cooperating with the American specialists in the States, I ______ myself of the opportunity to improve my English.
A. availed
B. allowed
C. deprived
D. indulged
[单项选择]The number of specialists has enormously increased mainly because of_________.
A. academic mobility
B. interdisciplinary research
C. specialization
D. modernization of transportation
[单项选择]According to historians and specialists in demography,there are()great population movement(s)in the history of the United States.
A. four
B. three
C. five
D. None of the above
[单项选择]I will not accept his suggestion.
A. believe
B. understand
C. explain
D. follow
[单项选择]What suggestion of the guests is true
A. Break the top off.
B. Use the mouth.
C. Step by step.
D. Put it on the floor.
[单项选择]It is important for specialists to be able to travel because ______.
A. there are so many people working in similar fields
B. there is a lot of social unrest at universities
C. their follow experts are scattered round the world
D. their laboratories are in remote places


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