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发布时间:2023-12-06 22:20:40

[单项选择]—Is David a man with good manners —I don't think so. As a matter of fact, he is ______ but polite.
A. something
B. everything
C. nothing
D. anything

更多"—Is David a man with good manners "的相关试题:

[单项选择]I don't understand why such a good man has been treated with such scorn and ________.
A. difference
B. inference
C. indifference
D. reference
[单项选择]I don't understand why such a good man bas been treated with such scorn and ______.
A. difference
B. indifference
C. inference
D. reference
[单项选择]I don' t understand why such a good man has been treated with such scorn and ______ .
A. defection
B. defense
C. difference
D. indifference
[单项选择]The most often used English words to show good manners are ______.
A. Hi, Thank you and Bye
B. Please, Thank you and OK
C. Hello, Bye and Thank you
D. Thank you, Sorry and Please
[单项选择]Good travelers don't leave ______ on trains or airplanes.
A. rubbish
B. litter
C. garbage
D. pollutant
[单项选择]The teacher punished her for that, but I don't think he
A. should have done so
B. need to have done so
C. should do that
D. ought have done that
[单项选择]This problem is ______ his ability and 1 don't think he can solve it.
A. to
B. in
C. beyond
D. under
[单项选择]Man: Are you coming with us to the supermarket this afternoon Woman: I promised Lucy that I'd help her with her painting project, and I'm really looking forward to it. Question: What does the woman mean
[单项选择]I don't think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, ______
A. do I
B. could be
C. has he
D. did he
[单项选择]Never ______ such a good boss before I came to this company.
A. do I meet
B. I met
C. had I met
D. I had met
[单项选择]Man: Don't forget to go to see the doctor. Woman: Oh, it's just a scratch. Q: What does the woman imply
[单项选择]Woman: Did you think it was a good play Man: What I didn't understand was the very beginning. Question: What does the man mean
B. IL-4
C. IL-5
D. IL-6
E. IL-10
[单项选择]Man: I don't know why Professor Cline's phone number isn't listed in the directory. Woman: But it is. Questions: What does the woman say about Professor Cline's number
[单项选择]Man: I don't know whether to ask Joe or Cora to draw the posters. Woman: What difference does it make They are both excellent artists. Question: What does the woman imply about Joe and Cora
A. They are equally competent for the job.
B. They both graduated from art schools.
C. They majored in different areas of art.
D. They are both willing to draw the posters.
[单项选择]Man: Why don't you dress up a little when you're out with your friendsWoman: That's a good idea!Question: What does the man suggest
A. The woman should put on nice clothes.
B. The woman should wear makeup.
C. The woman should get up fight away.
D. The woman should make a dress herself.
[单项选择]The manager doesn't think it a good idea and I don't()
A. too
B. either
C. neither
[单项选择]I don' t think he is a man()
A. whom you can believe
B. that you can believe
C. whom you can believe in
D. what you can believe in


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