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发布时间:2024-01-11 06:24:58

[单项选择]The robber ______ my handbag and ran off down the street.
A. snatched
B. took down
C. caught
D. took off

更多"The robber ______ my handbag and ra"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The winners of the football championship ran off the field carrying the silver cup ___________
A. turbulently
B. tremendously
C. triumphantly
D. tentatively
[单项选择]When the tank can carrying poisonous gas ran off the rails the firemen tried to______ the village from all traffic.
A. dismiss
B. insulate
C. isolate
D. expel
[单项选择]--I fell off my bicycle and broke my leg yesterday.--Is that ______ you drank too much
A. why
B. how
C. because
D. when
[单项选择]— ______ , Jack You look pale. —I fell off my bike and hurt my legs.
[单项选择]A: Do you mind if I take off my jacket B: ______
[单项选择]The women ran down to assist them in bringing up their seals; but no sooner _________ the house than a voice was heard in the passage, and a man entered.
A. after they re-enter
B. had they re-entered
C. were they to re-enter
D. when they had re-entered
[单项选择]A) went off C) ran off
B) went away D) ran away

A. went off
B. went away
C. ran off
D. ran away
[单项选择]A big dog ran in front of my mother's car and she ______ stop very quickly.
A. ought to
B. had better
C. must
D. had to
[单项选择]______put down the receiver when the telephone rang again.
A. Scarcely did she
B. Scarcely had she
C. Scarcely she
D. Scarcely she had
[单项选择]The truck ran down the hill, and the driver ______ ,according to the newspaper, to have been killed.
A. was reported
B. was reporting
C. reported
D. had been reported
[单项选择]I walked down the corridor, my footsteps frighteningly ______ through the empty deserted building.
A. echoing
B. echoed
C. to echo
D. having echoed
[单项选择]For many years my uncle ran a very {{U}}successful{{/U}} engineering business.
A. rewarding
B. expensive
C. persuasive
D. profitable
[单项选择]I ran ______ one of my former classmates, who was on her way to see me.
A. up
B. out of
C. over
D. into
[单项选择]A) down C) up
B) off D) away

A. down
B. off
C. up
D. away
[单项选择]He ______ the money out of my hand and ran away.
A. clutched
B. gripped
C. withdraw
D. snatched
[单项选择]It is a pity that he finally turned down my suggestions on this issue.
A. regained
B. regarded
C. reflected
D. refused
[单项选择]My maternal grandfather, it is true, was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven.
A. My maternal grandfather retired from gardening at sixty-seven.
B. My maternal grandfather died young, when he was sixty-seven.
C. My maternal grandfather lost energy when he was sixty-seven.
D. My maternal grandfather was considered no longer young at sixty-seven.


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