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发布时间:2024-04-01 23:07:24

[单项选择]Although Helen is a new teacher, she knows ______ student in her class.
A. every of
B. every
C. all
D. all of

更多"Although Helen is a new teacher, sh"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Although Helen is a new teacher, she knows ( ) student in her class.
A. every of
B. every
C. all
D. all of
[单项选择]Although Helen is a new teacher, she knows ______ student in her class.
A. every of
B. every
C. all
D. all of
[单项选择]Helen said she would like to go to Atlanta by air, but I wonder if she has enough money to pay for the______.
A. travel
B. tourism
C. journey
D. course
[单项选择]Although Allen is a good teacher, sometimes he is ______ with slow learners.
A. inpatient
B. patient
C. patience
D. impatient
[单项选择]______she is young, she knows quite a lot.
A. Although
B. However
C. When
D. Unless
[单项选择]Young______she is, she knows a lot about the outside world.
A. like
B. as
C. although
D. which
[单项选择]Helen: This pair needs new heels and soles. Janet: ______
[单项选择]Emma only moved house last week and she () knows her neighbors!
A. already
B. still
C. always
D. yet
[单项选择]When I saw Helen, I stopped and smiled, but she ______ me and walked on.
A. refused
B. neglected
C. ignored
D. missed
[单项选择]Nothing Helen says is ever______. She always thinks carefully before she speaks.
A. simultaneous
B. spontaneous
C. homogenous
D. rigorous
[单项选择]______ , she knows the city very well.
A. As she is blind
B. As blind she is
C. Blind as she is
D. She is as blind
[单项选择]Don’t (make) Helen’s remarks too (seriously). She is so (upset) that I don’t think she really knows (what she is saying).
A. make
B. seriously
C. upset
D. what she is saying

As everyone knows, words constantly take on new meanings. Since these do not necessarily, nor even usually, take the place of the old ones, we should picture this process as the analogy of a tree throwing out new branches which themselves throw out subordinate branches. The new branches sometimes overshadow and kill the old one but by no means always. We shall again and again find the earliest senses of a word flourishing for centuries despite a vast overgrowth of later senses which might be expected to kill them. When a word has several meanings historical circumstances often, make one of them dominant during a particular period. Thus "station" is now more likely to mean a railway station than anything else; "speculation" more likely to bear its financial sense than any other. Until this century "plane" had as its dominant meaning "a flat surface" or "a carpenter’s tool to make a surface smooth", but the meaning "an ae
A. we can do nothing about it unless we get into print
B. we should take responsibility to the language if necessary
C. our conversation has little effect on the situation because we haven't got into print
D. a great mass of people will accept what the press prints so that we can encourage the good and resist the bad


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