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发布时间:2024-01-26 03:33:00

[单项选择]The colonists first settled in in Australia.
A. South Australia
B. Queensland
C. Tasmania
D. Victoria

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[单项选择]The colonists first settled in in Australi

A. A. South AustraliaB. QueenslandC. TasmaniaD. Victoria
[单项选择]The first European settlement on Australia began in ______.
A. 1901
B. 1788
C. 1770
D. 1787
[单项选择]The first settlement in Australia was made by the_____.
A. English
B. Dutch
C. French
D. German
[单项选择]It’S the first time that he has been to Australia, ________
A. isn,t he
B. hasn’t he
C. isn’t it
D. hasn’t it
[单项选择]The reason why colonists will probably live longer is that ________.
A. their hearts will suffer less strain than on the earth
B. they live in a less crowded and less polluted world
C. the days and nights on Venus are much longer than on the earth
D. the life on Venus will be more comfortable than on the earth
[单项选择]Which year is the year when the American colonists began to fight a war for independence

A. 1767.
B. 1776.
C. 1777.
D. 1779.
[单项选择]According to the conversation, how did colonists try to make traveling in cities easier

A. By widening the streets.
B. By using coaches to provide free public transportation.
C. By preventing carts from entering town.
D. By making laws to keep farm animals off the street.
[单项选择]It was believed that the colonists would use profits from the sale of their pig iron to _______.
A. begin wool factories in America
B. pay the cost of high import taxes
C. purchase English woolen goods
D. manufacture iron products in America
[单项选择]According to the passage, the British colonists were unlike the Spanish colonists in that ______.
A. the British colonists collected tribute from the native population
B. the British colonists kept records from a very early date
C. the British colonists drove Native Americans off the land
D. the British colonists were unable to provide medical care against epidemic disease


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