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发布时间:2024-03-28 20:32:28

[单项选择]______is especially proper.

更多"______is especially proper."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Laying off employees is especially stressful on managers in that
A. the managers are the bad news bearers and announcers.
B. the managers are worried about the increasing amount of work.
C. the managers are afraid of being laid off themselves.
D. the managers are confronting upsetting information from employees.
[单项选择]I expected a more enthusiastic welcome, especially ______ it is the first time I have come here.
A. providing
B. comparing
C. supposing
D. considering
[单项选择]A) especially C) particularly B) specially D) uncommonly

A. especially
B. specially
C. particularly
D. uncommonly
[单项选择]The mountains, especially the Rocky Mountains, formerly constituted a seriously barrier to east-west trade in British Columbia.
[单项选择]Well-trained college graduates, especially those who have a good command of one or two foreign languages, are in great () in the labor market.
A. need
B. requirement
C. search
D. demand
[单项选择]Laser-doppler radar is especially valuable in space missions because ______. ( )
A. it is one thousand times more precise than microwave radar
B. it provides precise measures of the velocity of space vehicles
C. it is a new system of radar
D. it can measure the movement of a spaceship less accurately than a microwave radar
[单项选择]The author seems to be especially impressed by the fact that ______. ( )
A. Mason, a responsible citizen, resisted for so long the obligation to represent his state in politics
B. Mason, having so little political inclination, turned out to be such an influential statesman
C. Mason was willing to leave home and family for public service
D. Mason could be devoted family man and a statesman at the same time
[单项选择]The visual part of the cortex is especially interesting because __________.
A. specific layers of neurons are sensitive to particular orientations of input Stimuli
B. much of the structure is genetically predetermined
C. horizontal lines are stimulated
D. vertical lines are stimulated
[单项选择]The solidarity among the young, especially the 386 Generation, is so strong that it's helping to ______ the country's deep-rooted regional divide.
A. enhance
B. dissolve
C. weaken
D. move
[单项选择]To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ______ experience.
A. hysterical
B. grievous
C. gracious
D. sensible
[单项选择]Laser-dopple radar is especially valuable in space missions because it ______.
A. is one thousand times more precise than microwave radar
B. provides precise measures of the velocity of space vehicles
C. is a new system of radar
D. can measure the movement of a spaceship less accurately than a microwave radar
[单项选择]During the SARS period, it is especially important to {{U}}ventilate{{/U}} the room.
A. dust
B. clean
C. remove
D. air
[单项选择]What dose the author say is especially important about the Sun at the present time
A. It appears yellow.
B. It always remains the same.
C. It has a short history.
D. It is too cold.
[单项选择]Why are the lions in the Gir Forest especially vulnerable to disease

A. They are physically weaker than the African lions.
B. They are small in size.
C. They do not have enough to eat.
D. They have descended from a dozen or so ancestors.


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