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发布时间:2023-12-30 22:27:47

[单项选择]What did the author think of his mother
A. She was stubborn.
B. She was strong.
C. She did not care him very much.
D. She was not very intelligent.

更多"What did the author think of his mo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What did his father do when the speaker missed cutting some weeds

A. His father scolded him severely.
B. His father took back the six dollars.
C. His father made him do the cutting again.
D. His father cut the weeds himself.
[单项选择]What did the man tell his son
[单项选择]What did the teacher think of Jesus Christ

[单项选择]What did the man think he had seen

A. A strange car behind a hill.
B. A man in a bizarre party.
D. A robber.
[单项选择]What did the doctors think about her illness

[单项选择]What did Larry want his friend Karl to do for him
A. He wanted Karl to help him run away from prison.
B. He wanted Karl to believe that he was innocent.
C. He wanted Karl to make other members of the jury believe his innocence.
D. He wanted Karl to persuade the jury into making the punishment less severe.
[单项选择]What did Jane think of Potter's course

[单项选择]What did people think about tower blocks when they were first built
A. Town planners thought they were badly conceived.
B. The public compared them with rural housing.
C. The man in the street mistrusted them.
D. People thought them an improvement on suburban housing.
[单项选择]What did President Bill Clinton think of the Bosnian Serb referendum

A. It was a way to delay the military action.
B. It was a rejection of Vance Owen plan.
C. It destroyed its elaborate ethnic quiet.
D. It pressed reluctant Europeans for military action.
[单项选择]What did they think of Potter' s first lecture

A. Over-detailed.
B. Interesting.
C. Overloading.
D. Boring.
[单项选择]— What did your parents think about your decision
— They always let me do ______ I think I should.
A. when
B. that
C. how
D. what
[单项选择]What did the bank's shareholder think about it
A. They thought their investment worthwhile.
B. They held high hope for the bank.
C. They were greatly disappointed.
D. They thought highly of the bank.
[单项选择]What did President Clinton try to do during his trip to Moscow
A. To pacify the market.
B. To make a speech on American economy.
C. To intervene.
D. To cooperate with Russian to pursue sustainable development.
[单项选择]What did the man think about the people of the Ice Age

A. They lived in caves.
B. They traveled in groups.
C. They had an advanced language.
D. They ate mostly fruit.
[单项选择]What did the fisherman think when he got so many golden chains[A] He thought the golden chains were useless.[B] He thought he would be rich.[C] He felt terrible.
[单项选择]What did Sam and Joe think the trip would be like


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