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发布时间:2023-10-22 16:38:30

[单项选择]______ you say, I am sure that the woman is innocent.
A. Whatever
B. However
C. Whoever
D. Wherever

更多"______ you say, I am sure that the "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Who raised the question "who do you say I am "
A. the apostle.
B. Christ.
C. Mother Teresa.
D. she.
[单项选择]I am sure you would have seen her if you () that evening.
A. had turned out
B. had turned on
C. had turned in
D. had turned up
[单项选择]______one you choose, I am sure you will enjoy it.
A. Whatever
B. Which
C. That
D. Whichever
[单项选择]When you _________ I am sure you will have less pain.
A. are waking up
B. wake up
C. have been waking up
D. have waken up
[单项选择]I am sure you'll have no difficulty ______ the examinations since you study hard.
A. to pass
B. of passing
C. in passing
D. past
[单项选择]Woman: Are you sure you cleaned your car thoroughly You want to impress the boss. Man: I'd better double check to be sure. Question: What will the man probably do next
A. Have the boss drive another car.
B. Ask the woman to help him clean the car.
C. Check the car to see if it runs well.
D. Make sure that his car is clean.
[单项选择]Dial direct when you can, and to be sure you call when Americans are in their offices, use the {{U}}schedule{{/U}} at the left.
A. table
B. paper
C. notice
D. advertisement
[单项选择]Host: Are you sure you're leaving now It's so early. Guest: ______.
[单项选择]—Did you say you like the film TITANIC —______, I said it's not bad.
[单项选择]It is what you do rather than what you say ______ matters.
A. that
B. what
C. which
D. this
[单项选择]If you (had been) there, I'm sure you (would have enjoyed) (to see) the Chinese Team (win).
A. had been
B. would have enjoyed
C. to see
D. win
[单项选择]What you say now is not ______ with what you said at yesterday's meeting.

A. consistent
B. constant
C. convenient
D. conventional
[单项选择]It is what you do rather than what you say ______matters.
A. what
B. when
C. that
D. how
[单项选择]Make sure you ______ the same story when you're questioned a second time.
A. follow up
B. draw on
C. stick to
D. make up
[单项选择]______ you say, he won't listen to you.
A. No matter where
B. No matter what
C. However
D. Whichever
[单项选择]What you say now is not______ with what you said last week.
A. consistent
B. persistent
C. permanent
D. insistent


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