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发布时间:2023-10-22 06:34:57

[单项选择]When he lost his jobs he tried to ______ his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle

更多"When he lost his jobs he tried to _"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When he lost his jobs he tried to ______ his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[单项选择]When he lost his job he tried to _________ his fortunes by robbing a bank.
A. revive
B. retrieve
C. rectify
D. recycle
[单项选择]Only when he has lost his way ______ that he wasn' t careful enough to make sure that he really did understand.
A. he realize
B. he can realize
C. he has realized
D. does he realize
[单项选择]He lost all his money. The only thing he could do was {{U}}to call{{/U}} his wife for help at this moment.
A. being called
B. to be called
C. calling
D. call

When he fails his final examination, he is sure of a university place.()

A. If
B. In case
C. Even when
D. Even if
[单项选择]When he opened his eyes, he found himself ______ in the hospital.
[单项选择]When he won his third gold medal at his third successive Olympic Games, we______the man as if he were the greatest athlete we had ever seen: a superman, ______ , a demigod walking the earth.
A. (A) hymned … a nonpareil
B. (B) exasperated … a dabbler
C. (C) inveighed … a genius
D. (D) lauded … an obscurantist
E. (E) apostatized … a commoner
[单项选择]Recently, he has lost all his ______.
A. wage and saving at card
B. wages and savings at card
C. wages and saving at card
D. wages and savings at cards
[单项选择]The explorer lost his way so he climbed to the top of the hill to ______ himself.
A. spot
B. locate
C. place
D. situate
[单项选择]He became aware that he had lost his audience since he had not been able to talk coherently.()
A. honestly
B. appropriately
C. intelligibly
D. flexibly


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