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发布时间:2023-12-22 20:06:17

[单项选择]The percentage of teenagers who have tried cannabis is ______.
A. 20%
B. 50%
C. 40%
D. 25%

更多"The percentage of teenagers who hav"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A lot of people have tried, but()have succeeded.
A. many
B. much
C. a few
D. few
[单项选择]Though the committee members have tried their best to tackle the problem, they ended up failing to find an appropriate________.
A. result
B. response
C. settlement
D. solution
[单项选择]A lot of people have tried, but ______ have succeeded.
A. the few
B. a few
C. some
D. few
[单项选择]A lot of people have tried, but ______ have succeeded.
A. many
B. much
C. a few
D. few
[单项选择]I tried to invite have a drink with me but he said that he was in such a hurry that he had no time to ______.
A. spend
B. save
C. share
D. spare
[单项选择]The doctors have tried very hard rescuing from the vital brain damage, but all their efforts went __________.
A. in vain
B. in no way
C. without effect
D. without fail
[单项选择]His opponents have tried to. characterize him as __________ the concerns of the working class.
A. indifferent to
B. subject to
C. relevant to
D. resistant to
[单项选择]When caring for children who are sick, who have sustained traumas, or who are suffering from nutritional inadequacies, the nurse should know the correct hemoglobin (Hb) values for children. Which of the following ranges would be inaccurate
A. Neonates. 10.6 to 16.5.
B. 3 months. 10.6 to 16.5.
C. 3 years. 9.4 to 15.5.
D. 10 years. 10.7 to 15.5.
[单项选择]I've tried several weeks, but still have some difficulty ______.
A. in high jump
B. to jump high
C. with high jump
D. with jumping high
[单项选择]Who have been allowed to visit Guantanamo
A. Businessmen
B. Reporters.
C. Students.
[单项选择]In fact, the Englishman who tried to fly ______.
A. lost his life
B. flew only 8 minutes
C. got badly wounded
D. succeeded in flying
[单项选择]Who seems to have eaten too much

Many foreigners who have not visited Britain call all the inhabitants English, for they are used to thinking of the British Isles as England. (21) , the British Isles contain a variety of peoples, and only the people of England call themselves English. The others (22) to themselves as Welsh, Scottish, or Irish, (23) the case may be; they are often slightly annoyed (24) being classified as "English".
Even in England there are many (25) in regional character and speech. The chief (26) is between southern England and northern England. South of a (27) going from Bristol to London, people speak the type of English usually learnt by foreign students, (28) there are local variations.
Further north, regional speech is usually" (29) "than that of southern Britain. Northerners are (30) to claim that they work harder than Southerners, and are more (31) . They
A. with
B. of
C. among
D. against


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