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发布时间:2023-12-13 02:10:34

[填空题]Reading between the lines, I should say the scientists are disappointed for the outcome of the research project, though they will not openly admit it().

更多"Reading between the lines, I should"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The author made comparison between reading Milton and cookbook in order to______.
A. merely compare the difference
B. show the fact that cookbook is more useful
C. reveal the vulgarity of some readers
D. to point out that the power of literature is above the literature of knowledge in certain ways
[单项选择]—I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.
—(). It was her fault.
A. No way
B. Not possible
C. No chance
D. Not at all
[单项选择]--I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.-- ______ . It was her fault.
A. No way
B. Not possible
C. No chance
D. Not at all
[单项选择]A: I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. B: ______ It was her fault.
A. No way.
B. No possible.
C. No chance.
D. Not at all.
[单项选择]What you should say in your speech is entirely ______ you.
A. up to
B. owing to
C. due to
D. according to
[单项选择]The children should say "thank you" to you when you gave them gifts().
A. had said
B. be saying
C. have said
D. saying
[单项选择]If you want to express surprise, you should say,"_______"!
A. What a pity
B. Good Heavens
C. My sky
D. My Dear
[单项选择]Reading ______ the lines, I would say that the Government are more worried than they will admit.
A. behind
B. between
C. along
D. among
[单项选择]Some health experts say food makers should add some elements ______people won't lack these essential substances.
A. since
B. therefore
C. for the purpose that
D. for the effect that
[单项选择]______ you are wrong, you should say sorry.
[单项选择]The rapid-transit rail lines should ______.
A. develop as quickly as possible
B. develop with local economic development
C. develop after local economic development
D. develop with the construction industry


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