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发布时间:2023-10-21 23:53:11

[单项选择]Why do most intelligence tests combine all three types of questions in equal numbers

更多"Why do most intelligence tests comb"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why do most visitors come to Cambridge

A. To see Cambridge University.
B. To study in the colleges in Cambridge.
C. To use the libraries of the university.
[单项选择]Why do most pageants have a historical flavor
A. Because most pageants take place for celebration.
B. Many pageants take place for amusement.
C. A lot of pageants take place for religion.
D. Because pageants usually take place for competition.
[单项选择]What are the three most paramount ideas in Jeffersonian democracy
A. Equality, freedom and people’s control over government.
B. Equality, confidence in man and people’s control over government.
C. Equality, freedom and confidence in man.
D. Freedom, confidence in man and people’s control over government.
[单项选择]According to this passage, why do most companies employ thin people to promote their products
A. Because thin people eat less and therefore ask for less pay.
B. Because thin people lend to be more hardworking than fat people.
C. Because thin people are considered vigorous, youthful and more likely to succeed.
D. Because thin people are more willing to work for big companies.
[单项选择]The three most important issues (of concern to) citizens today are (prison reform), (abusing children), and toxic (waste).
A. of concern to
B. prison reform
C. abusing children
D. waste
[单项选择]Why do people in all the other universities in America experience great pleasure in seeing Harvard dealing with the problem of grade inflation


Why do people in all countries ride buses to school, to work, and to far places Buses can go where trains and airplanes cannot. They do not cost as much to travel on. Even though they may not move as fast as airplanes and trains, they sometimes take people between two places faster. This is be- cause they may travel a more direct way, or may leave more often, or at better times.
Buses come in different sizes. A small bus can carry only eight or ten people. A large one might have seats for fifty to seventy people and have standing room for more.
Thousands of yellow school buses carry millions of children to school every year. Most of these buses have seats placed quite close together to fit in as many children as possible. Some schools buy their own buses. Others pay to use buses that belong to bus companies.
City and town buses carry people for short distances. The seats of these are close together, and there is standing room as well. Most city bus
A. short-distance buses
B. direct buses
C. school buses
D. long-distance buses

[单项选择]Why do we say that lawyers are one of the most reactionary forces in American society
A. They practice the art of distortion in an effort to win legal games where we need honest communications.
B. They promote conflict and blame when we need cooperation and self-responsibility.
C. They promote division where we need unity.
D. All of the above.


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