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发布时间:2023-10-22 18:44:38

[单项选择]Speaker A: Sorry for being late. You see, I was held up by the traffic. Speaker B:______

更多"Speaker A: Sorry for being late. Yo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Speaker A: I'm terribly sorry for being so careless.Speaker B:______
[单项选择]—Do you see why he hasn't turned up yet —Sorry, I don't know.
A. what the matter is
B. how matters stood
C. what is the matter
D. how is the matter
[单项选择]—Did you see Jack at the wedding party —No, he ______ by the time I ______ there.
A. had left.., got
B. left.., had got
C. has left.., got
D. left.., got
[单项选择]Speaker A: I'm sorry, The brand of camera you want is not available now. Speaker B:()
A. No use saying sorry, That's a real let down.
B. I'm truly grateful for your help.
C. That's a pity. Thank you anyway.
D. It's just as I've expected.
[单项选择]He was angry at being () the opportunity to see me.
A. refused
B. denied
C. neglected
D. ignored
[单项选择]You cannot see the patient at the moment; he is now ______ medical treatment.
A. in
B. on
C. under
D. at
[单项选择]He has been looking everywhere for you and he still ______.
A. does
B. has been
C. has
D. is
[单项选择]Speaker A: Sorry about all the inconvenience. Speaker B:().
A. OK. With great pleasure
B. Don't worry about it
C. Oh, really That's OK
D. I'm sorry to hear that
[单项选择]Speaker A: Sorry about all the inconvenience.Speaker B: ______.
[单项选择]The dean can't see you at the moment. He is addressing the first-year students in the lecture hall.
A. complaining to
B. arguing with
C. speaking to
D. consulting with
[单项选择]—Could you tell Lucy about the news when you see her
—Sure, I will ()I see her.
A. certainly
B. fortunately
C. probably
D. immediately
[单项选择]You see the lightning () it happens, but you hear the thunder later.
A. for an instant
B. on the instant
C. the instant
D. in an instant
[单项选择]You say he works hard, so he does and ______.
A. so did you
B. so you do
C. so do you
D. so you did
[单项选择]Dick warned you that he might {{U}}turn you down{{/U}}, didn't he
A. upset you
B. defeat you
C. reject you
D. trick you


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