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发布时间:2023-10-22 10:33:18

[单项选择]The ever-increasing income has made studying overseas available to children from average families.
A. 收入不断增加,平均每个家庭都有小孩出国留学。
B. 不断增加的收入让普通家庭的孩子也能到海外学习。
C. 来自普通家庭的孩子可以利用不断增加的收入出国留学。
D. 收入的不断增加使得普通人家的孩子也能出国留学。

更多"The ever-increasing income has made"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What is the net income of a firm that has a return on equity of 12 percent, an equity muhiplier of 1.5, an asset turnover of 2, and revenue of $1 million()
A. $ 40000.
B. $ 36000.
C. $ 360000.
[单项选择]Jane's monthly income has ______ since she changed her profession.
A. nearly tripled
B. got almost three times bigger
C. almost grown for three times
D. increased about three times
[单项选择]Ted made up has mind soon and accepted the invitation ____ .
A. without hesitation
B. without doubt
C. without understanding
D. without exception
[单项选择](Even though) Sedat (has been studying) English for three years before he came (to the United States), It is still difficult for him (to express himself).
A. Even though
B. has been studying
C. to the United States
D. to express himself
[单项选择](Even though) Sandra (has been studying) English for three years (before) she came to the United States, it is difficult for her (to express herself).
A. Even though
B. has been studying
C. before
D. to express herself
[单项选择]A company being analyzed has net income of $ 97, liabilities of $ 600, preferred equity of $ 30, total shareholder equity of $ 700, interest expense of $ 48, and preferred dividends of $1.80. What is the return on common equity()
A. 7.00%.
B. 14.21%.
C. 10.18%.
[单项选择]General, Inc. , has net income of $ 650000 and one million shares outstanding. The profit margin is 6 percent and General, Inc. , is selling for $ 30.00. The price/sales ratio is equal to:()
A. 2.77.
B. 10.83.
C. 0.06.
[单项选择]The government has made great effort to
A. A.combine FBI and CI
[单项选择]Chomsky has made the distinction between linguistic competence and______.
A. linguistic performance
B. communicative competence
C. reading performance
D. universal grammar
[单项选择]Entertainment has been made available to everybody by the cinema, radio and television.
A. 影院、收音机和电视使人人都可以享受各种娱乐。
B. 影院、收音机和电视是每个人的主要娱乐方式。
C. 影院、收音机和电视使娱乐成为每个人的可能。
D. 影院、收音机和电视是每个人能够得到的娱乐。
[单项选择]Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over ______ made of natural fibers like cotton, wool, or silk.
A. one
B. the one
C. that
D. what
[单项选择]Clothing made of plastic fibres has certain advantages over ______ made of natural fibres like cotton, wool, or silk.
A. one
B. the one
C. that
D. what


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